Chapter 30

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"Okay, we should all probably go to sleep now. School in the morning.." I sighed.

"Ugh, why can't we just fast forward five months and graduate already?" Jess whined.

"Don't rush. Life is actually boring after high school" Damon said. "I wish I could've finished my senior year with you guys"

"You graduated last year, right?" I asked him.

"Yup, me and the guys"

"Why didn't you graduate last year?" I asked Dean.

He rubbed his beard, something he does when he's nervous or uncomfortable. "I dropped out last year. Dealing with my mom was like having two full time jobs and five kids."

"So why did you come back to school? And by the way, I didn't see any of you guys around school last year" Jess said.

"I guess I decided that I wasn't going to let my mom ruin my life the way she ruined her's" He said looking past Jess. "And we went to E.R. high school in the next town over"

"What made you come to Washington Heights?" I asked.

"New start" he shrugged. "Oh and Dam, maybe you should give mom a call"

Damon scrunched up his nose in disgust. "Not gonna happen"

Come to think of it, I don't think I've heard Damon mention his mom or go visit her.. Only Dean..

Jess and I both raised an eyebrow at damon, surprised that he said that.

I looked over to Dean and noticed that he was all tense and was rubbing his beard. He sighed frustratedly and went upstairs.

I gave Jess a knowing look and gave her a hug "Night, See you in the morning. Night Dam"

"Good night!" They yelled as I disappeared up the steps.

When I got to our room Dean was in the shower. He always takes his showers late. So I took off my shorts like I do every night and curled into bed and got under the blanket.

I'm actually nervous about going back to school tomorrow. People will officially know about Dean and I. I guess it won't be too different.. Everyone already thought we were together. Now we actually are.. He'll still walk with me to my classes, sit with me at lunch, drive me home.. Same old same old. So I guess I really have no reason to be nervous.

The bathroom door opened letting out a giant cloud of steam. Then Dean appeared.. In nothing but a towel.

You would think I would be use to seeing him like this now, right? Wrong. Dean has the kind of body and face that you would swear was craved by angels. He has the body, face, aura, physique and demeanor of a Greek God.

Every night he would appear in just a towel from the bathroom and every night I would drool over him like my life depended on it. Like his ego needed to get any bigger..

But how could I not stare at him when he was practically naked in front of me all the time? He had water still lingering on his body. Every drop of water seemed so defined against his skin. His perfectly sculpted chest and abs.. His chiseled arms.. And that playfully taunting v that disappeared into his towel.. He's Godly. I can't help but to ask myself how the hell such a Godly man could be interested in me..

"Should I turn for you?" Dean teased.

"Would you please?" I stuck my tongue out.

He turned his back towards me and flexed his his arms up, giving me the perfect view of his amazing arm and back muscles.

"Whoa.. It's getting hot in here" I faned myself smiling at him.

I wasn't kidding. My body was really heating up.

He smirked at me. "So take off all your clothes"

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Right"

He walked away into the closet saying. "You think I'm joking"

I waved him off and snuggled up into the blanket, ready for bed. I heard the light turn off and felt movement in the bed. Dean pulled me closer to him and I rested my head on his bear chest.



"Can I ask you a random question?"

"Go ahead"

"Have you been with a lot of girls?"


"Yea, honestly"

"No" he said. "I've been with five different women."

"Oh" I mumbled not knowing what else to say "Any of them recent?"

Do I really want to know the answer to that?

"No. I haven't been with anyone in months. I think a month before I met you"


"I don't know.. Once I met you, I felt like I didn't really need any other females attention"

I looked up at him smiling. "Really?"

"Yea.. Guess you had my heart before I even I knew it"

I smiled and kissed his soft lips. I loved kissing him.

"I expected you to tell me that you've slept with like 20 girls or something" we laughed.

"No not me.. The other guys? Definitely.."

"I don't see what the big deal is about it anyway.. What does it feel like?" I asked honestly curious.

"It feels good, really good. But.. Sometimes it makes you feel bad. You get drunk, have sex, the next morning you say your goodbye's. Always goodbye.." he shock his head.

"Well you don't have to do that anymore.." I mumbled. " But what's the best thing about it?"

"The touching.. The feeling all of each other.. My hands everywhere tracing every inch of your body.. The two of us moving together.. Pressing.. pulling.. slamming.. biting.. Licking.. massaging.. grinding.. And then you hit that sweet stop, and everything just builds and builds and builds until you just.. BOOM" He said making a explosive sound.

At the same time he made that explosive sound he smacked my ass and I was starting to get that weird tingly feeling between my legs again...

I've been getting that feeling a lot lately. I get it when I see Dean without a shirt on, when he gets out of the shower, when he smacks my but, when he bites his lip and winkes at me, and when he kisses me...

I've turned into a lustful maniac!

I fanned myself because my body was heating up again.. "You keep doing this to me" we laughed.

"I can think of a few other things to do to you" he said huskily in my ear.

"Yea?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

That smirk almost never left his face. "Yea"

"I doubt it" I jokingly waved him off.

And by that I caused Dean to suddenly flip me over on my back. He was hovering over me and in between my legs, which is dangerous because I wasn't wearing any shorts.

Dean kissed my neck and my lips and I started to feel his 'mini me' press up against me.

Uh oh.. I'm in trouble.

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