Chapter 28

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Jake and I went to go get some more alcohol and soda from the garage. After that he ditched me for some girls, which didn't surprise me..

He'll go after anything that has boobs and a vagina I swear..

On my way back to Mia I got stopped by some people telling me that my party was "litt".

I couldn't be rude and ignore them.. Well I could, but I was trying to be nice...

After a while I started to get annoyed so I walked away and headed up stairs to use the bathroom.

Once I was finished doing my business, I washed my hands and left the bathroom.

"Oh, hey Dean" I heard a familiar voice say.

What the fuck is she doing here!?

"Why the fuck are you here!?" I yelled.

"Nice to see you to!" she put her hands up in defeat. "Just came for the party!"

This girl, my ex Samantha, has stalked me and harassed me for the past two years. She's crazy, creepy, deceitful and I hate her with a passion.

"Yea, right.." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, since I ran into you.." She took a step closer to me.

"I live here. You knew you would run into me"

"Sure.." She shrugged. "Anyway, you look really nice tonight"

I crossed my arms and gave her a flat look. "Don't you have something else to do? Somewhere else to be?"

"Nope" she said popping the P. "But I was in your room.. And I have to say, it's changed quite a bit"

"You were in my fucking room!? Are you crazy!?" I yelled. "Dont answer that, just get out"

"Oh come off it Dean!" She shouted at me. "You know you miss me!"

"No I really don't"

"Why? Because your with that black bitch now!? S-She can't love you like I-I can Dean! You know that!!" She screamed obviously pissed.

I just wanted to ring her neck for talking about Mia like that but something in me told me not to put my hands on her. She's not right. She's so mentally messed up. Seeing her go off like this is actually making me feel a little bad for her.. She's reminding me of my mom.

"Ugh! Your so stupid!" She pulled at her hair and tears fell from her face. "An-and blind! Ugh! Your so blind! I know everything about you! Everything!! That's bitch doesn't kn-know you li-like I do Dean!"


"She doesn't love you! She doesn't love you! No no n-not like I do!"

I've seen my mother have a break down like this before. She was coming down from a high and was an emotional wreck. And I've heard that people who are on medication act crazy when they're not taking them to. Maybe that's what's going on.. Regardless of how crazy and creepy she's always been, she's always kept it together. I've never seen her act this way. My guess is either she's not taking her medication or she's using drugs... Either way, she needs to get some help.

"Listen to me" I grabbed her arm. "Who did you come here with?"

"Why are they looking for me?" She suddenly stopped sobbing.

I narrowed my eyes at her. You would think I would be use to this kind of crazy behavior, right?

"Yea, they're looking for y-" I was cut off by Samantha's overpowering lips pressing against mine.

Before I had the chance to pull away from her I heard a sharp gasp. I shoved Samantha of me and seen Mia running back down the stairs.

"Mia, wait!" I yelled as I ran after her.

I finally caught up with her in the kitchen and grabbed her arm.

When she yanked her arm away from me I couldn't believe how much that actually hurt me.. But I didn't let that stop me.

"Mia, will stop!?"

She walked away from me. "No, leave me alone!"

God, she's crying. I can hear it in her voice.

"Mia, it wasn't like that!" I tried to explain.

She wouldn't let me touch her and kept walking away from me. There were people in the kitchen staring and whispering, that just made me even more pissed off.

I guess its a crime to mind your own fucking business.

"Everyone get out! Get out!! Get the fuck out!" I yelled at everyone and they all Left the kitchen.

Mia tried to leave but I pulled her back and trapped her against the wall.

She wouldn't even look at me...

"Mia, look at me"

She wiped her face but didn't look at me. "I'm so stupid"

"No.. No, your not. Why would you say that?" I said softly.

"Nothing, just forget about it" she tried to push pass me.

"I'm not letting you walk away from me"

"Move. I just wanna go up stairs" she slightly raised her voice.


"Move!" She yelled at me.

"No! I'm not letting you walk away from me!"

"Why do you even care Dean!? You will never understand! Just get away from me! Go find your girlfriend!" She yelled, letting the tears fall from her face.

Of course she thinks I'm back with Samantha... I mean why wouldn't she?..

If she's this upset about it, then she must feel something for me.. Right?

Probably wishful thinking..

She tried to walk away from me again.

"Will you just stop and listen to me!?" I shouted. "It wasn't like that"

"Then what was it like Dean!?"

"She kissed me.."

She nodded "Yea, Right.."

"After everything I went through with her? Why would I want her back?"

"I don't know!"

"I need you to believe me Mia! Do you believe me?"

"I don't know! You just wouldn't understand Dean.."

"What wouldn't I understand?" I asked confused.

"Why I'm so angry"

"So tell me! I know your angry at me.."

"No, I'm not angry at you. I'm angry at myself.." She sobbed.


"For being so careless. For being so stupid.." She paused, finally looking up at me. "For letting myself fall in love with you"

At that moment, my heart dropped to my stomach and I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. The girl I love just told me that she's in love with me. Not love me, in love with me.

How is this even happening right now?

I cupped her face, wiping away her tears and looked into her eyes. "You have no idea how many times I've imagined you saying that to me. And maybe your right, maybe we did get carless. But I don't care.." I sighed watching her surprised face. "I love you Mia"

"You love me?" She asked softly.

"Yes, I love you"

I kissed her soft lips and I couldn't stop the smile that spread out across my face..

Suddenly the crowed of people in my house erupted in loud screams as they all shouted Happy New year.

Mia and I both laughed and I kissed her.

"Happy New Year princess"

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