Chapter 25

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"Dean wake up! Wake up!" Mia yelled while jumping on me.

"What?! What happened?"

I was definitely surprised to see her sitting on top of me. I wish she would wake me up like this more often..

"Well good morning" I smirk at her

She grinned down at me excitedly. "Good morning. Guess what today is!"

"Mmm.. Friday?"

"No" she hit my bare chest. "It's Christmas!"

She started bouncing around and ruffling my hair. I guess she was trying to get me up and excited. Well, she was definitely getting me "up and excited" if you know what I mean..

"Princess princess.." I held her body still. "I love that your excited about Christmas right now but.. Your sitting on top of me in a nightgown, bouncing around and playing in my hair, and I just woke up.. Your getting me excited.. Catch my drift?"

Her confused face grew red as she realized what I was talking about.

"Oohh.. Shit, I'm sorry!" She quickly got off of me.

"Its not your fault. I'm a guy and your an attractive female. Shit happens" I shrugged.

"You think I'm attractive?"

I should really think before I speak.

Should I answer that question? Would she be insulted if I told her no? That's a stupid question, of course she'll be insulted! Plus I would lying if I told her she wasn't attractive. Truth is she's beyond attractive..

I shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Of course.. But you knew that already"

She looked surprised and I had no idea why.

"Hmm" she mumbled.


"I'm just a little confused"

"About?" I asked.

"How could a guy like you, can find a girl like me attractive.."

I thought about her question for a second. What is she really asking me? I'm not use to being confused like this..

"A guy like me?"

"Yea, you know.." She paused looking for the right words. "Your attractive, talented, a really sweet person when you want to be and your wanted by so many women.." she looked down at her hands. "Interesting guy's like you, don't find awkward and emotionally disturb and damaged girls like me attractive"

"And who made those rules up?"

She shrugged. "That's just the way it is"

"Well whoever made those "rules" needs to get punched in the face" she raised an eyebrow at me. "For one, that's not the way it is, not for me, not for you, not for anyone. Two, we're all a little awkward. Three, everyone is emotionally disturb and as for being damaged.. who isn't? Our pain is what makes us. We learn from it and fight against the depression. For some people that's a constant battle.. But that's just life. Some of us just got dealt a harder hand than others.. And four, you are attractive Mia.. You're absolutely beautiful. Everyone else can see that, so why cant you?.."

She smiled at me "Thank you"

"I have a question"


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