Chapter Seventeen

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The Story Of Us

Chapter Seventeen



We parked in front of the run down apartment buildings that I dropped Dean off at the first day we met. It didn't look any different than before. Still dirty, still creepy.

Dean hasn't officially told me where he lives yet. I'm pretty sure he lives around here and only crashes at Damon's house sometimes. On nights like tonight, when he came barreling through the door door of Damon's, yelling about something. He seemed pretty upset about something. I was too distracted with my own problems that I didn't give his any attention.

I remember Damon saying that the house was was left to both of them by their grandparents. So, I'm thinking, Dean just comes and goes as he pleases. Though I always wondered about what was holding Dean here, to this place, when there's a beautiful house that partially belongs to him.

Dean held on to my hand with a long fu grip, as we walked into the lobby of the very tall apartment building. His hand was clammy and as for his strange behavior, he kept looking around as if he were looking for someone. I have no clue what that's about, but it spiked my curiosity even more.

"Stay here," he told me, his tone was rough clipped.

We we're standing in the lobby near the stairs which reeked of piss and dirt. Two elevators were off to the right and a bunch of mailboxes boxes were tucked away in a corner.

"Okay," I sighed, tucking my hands in the pockets of my jacket.

He stated at me for a moment, his eyes warning not to move, "Seriously, don't go anywhere."

"Where am I gonna go?" I shrugged, "I won't leave this spot."

If he wanted me to stay here, then I would. He looks stressed the hell out. I don't want to make him feel worse.

He nodded curtly and ran up the nasty ass stairs with the bag of Chinese food in his hand.

He's bringing food to someone who lives here, I realized. I wonder who it is. Maybe a girl.

I paused for a moment, really thinking about that. Could Dean have a girl that I don't know about? Maybe someone he's on and off with? No. He'd tell me, right?

Well, it's not like I know him very well. I don't know who he is, outside of what he shows me when we're together. What's his life like? Who is pissing him off so much? Who is he bringing food to? And why does he seem so upset about it?

I'm just standing here, allow my mind to race and taking in my surrounding's. I remember when I use to live around here... Not here in this apartment building but about two blocks away from here.

My mom and dad were too caught up in their work and building our house that they didn't really have much time for me and Spinner. They just dropped us off here with grandma for years.

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