Chapter 43

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All I could do was lay in bed. I was tired.. Tired of being sad, tired of crying, tired of wishing everything would go back to the way it used to be, tired of begging God to forgive me for what I've done. I'm tired of feeling stupid, hopeless and helpless...

Jess keeps telling me to go see Dean.. But I haven't seen or spoken to him this for at least a month. I thought about going over there and getting the rest of my stuff but decided against it. The last thing I needed was to run into Dean..

Its not that I'm avoiding him, I just don't want him to see me. I Dont need to be judged. I already feel like shit as it is..

I miss him, of course.. But he's better without me. It's better this way. He can live his life and do great things, and maybe somewhere down the line he'll find a girl and fall in love and start a family.. On his time.. When he's ready.

I wiped away the tear that ran down my face and got out of bed. I told myself I wouldn't cry anymore, so I'm not. I went into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator looking for something to stuff my face with.

"Him" I opened up the container of mango slices. "Ugh... I love you Jess"

I was in heaven, but that was short lived because all if that pleasure I was getting from the mango was quickly replaced with fear when I heard a deep voice say my name.
I screamed and ran back into my room without even attempting to look behind me. But of course I held on to my mango slices for dear life.

I'm pretty sure a locked door isn't going keep a murderer out.. I thought to myself.

"Mia," the voice said. "It's me Dean"

Even worse!! I can't see him!!

"I didn't mean to scare you" he said.

Should I say something? I can't...

"Mia will you unlock the door?"

I can't.. I want to. But I can't..

"Mia I know can hear me" he sighed, the sound of that sigh just broke my heart. "Please, open the door"

I inched to the door but stopped myself. Don't do Mia!

He sighed again. "Okay, if you're not going to open the door at least listen to what I have to say"

I took a deep breath preparing myself to hear him say that he hates me and that he never wants to see me again.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I did this to you.. I'm sorry I ruined you. I never wanted this for us. I tried Mia, I really did. I tried to be a good boyfriend and make everything better for you, but instead I just fucked everything up for you, for us, for everybody.. I should've protected you. I should've handled the situation better. I know I should just walk away right now and leave you alone so you can have a better life.. But part of me is telling me to stay right here and be selfish and to fight for you because I know that nobody could be more perfect for you than me!"

That last part made me smile.

"If you really hate me and don't want anything to do with me anymore, then I will get in my car and you will never hear from me again.."

God.. He thinks I hate him!

"But if you still have love for me, even just a little bit, open this door and let me see you.."

My heart was racing and my breathing was heavy. Of course I still love him, with all of heart! But.. I don't know if this is a good idea.

Without thinking about it any further, i went over to the bed and wrapped the blanket around my whole body and opened the door. And there he stood in all of his sexiness. Surprised, he looked down at and stood up straight.

He closed his eyes and sighed relieved. "God you opened the door"

I slightly smiled at his cuteness.

Just staring at him made me want to faint. I missed his face, those eyes, those lips, all of those strong sharp features that made me melt on a daily basis. Plus he was wearing my favorite outfit and was holding roses and candy Gushers in his hands.

What girl wouldn't be in awe?..

I wanted to be in his arms again. Buy before that there was something he needed to know.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked.

"God no"

"Do you still love me?"

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't Mia. You mean everything to me. I don't wanna be without you. And I don't care how pussy that sounds... Of course I love you"

I took a deep breath and dropped the blanket from around. Deans eyes never left mine, and as I grabbed his hands and placed them on my stomach a few tears fell from my face. I was afraid, very a afraid and Dean was in pure shock.

His eyes finally left mine and stared down at my bulging stomach.

"Mia.. Your pregnant?" He asked in almost a whisper.

We both clearly knew the answer to that but I answered him anyway. "Yes" I stared at him. "and your totally going to ruin the moment if you ask if its yours"

He chuckled. "No no.. I know it's mine" a smile broke out across his face as he kneeled down in front of and rubbed my belly. "Your both mine. Allll mine"

I pictured this moment so many times in my head and every single time went extremely horrible.. I expected him to run away from me but he didn't.


I looked at him. "Him?"

"I love you. And couldn't picture my life without you, no matter how hard I tried. Without you I've never felt more lonely, and more incomplete. And now that I know your carrying my child.. It only makes me feel stronger for you. Your my princess. And I love you so much"

I couldn't help the tears that were falling from my face.

Dean reached in his jacket pocket and pulled out a black square box and my literally almost jumped out of my chest.

"Oh my God" I gasped while covering my mouth.

"I was going to wait until after graduation yo do this.. But now just seems like the perfect time" he stared into my eyes as he opened the box. "I know I'm a dick and that I probably Dont deserve you but... Will you please marry me?"

I didn't need to think about it. I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else. Yes we have clearly gone through hell together.. And yes I was ready to let him go, if it meant that he would be better without me then yes, I would've let him go. But now.. We obviously make each other better and stronger. I didn't think I could ever love someone this much.. And I Dont wanna be without him..



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