Chapter 32

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I managed to ignore Jess for the rest of the school day.. We were finally on our way home, thank God! I just wanted to lay in bed and sleep.

Getting out of the car I grabbed my bag and shut the car door. I headed to the house with Dean and Jess behind me. In front of the door was a bouquet of flowers. I picked them up and looked at Dean.

"Babe these were sitting in front of the door"

"Those are pretty" Jess said.

Dean unlocked the door and we went in. We took our jackets off and hung them up. We sat down on the couch and Dean turned the TV on.

"Who are they for?" He asked.

"Probably Jess. She probably flirted with someone to get free food" I teased.

"I can hear you!!" She shouted from the kitchen.

I chuckled. "Don't care!"

"Well who's it from?" Dean asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know"

"Well look at the card. There's always a card"

I searched for one and found a little square card in the middle of the bouquet. I held it up for Dean to see and he took it from me.

"From R" He read. "Who the fuck is R?"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Your asking me?"

"To Mia" he paused. "Until we meet again"

"That's creepy as fuck!!" Jess yelled from the kitchen.

"Yes it is.." I put the flowers down on the coffee table. "Dean I don't like the way that sounds"

"Neither do I.. And it kind of pisses me off"

"Don't worry about it honey. It's probably just one of the guys being stupid" I kissed his cheek.

He kissed my lips and grabbed the flowers and threw them in the garbage "It better be"

I guess it's safe to say that Dean is very protective of me. I think most people would find that annoying, to have someone who's constantly worried about your well being. Not me though.. I think its adorable. I love it.

I slowly got off the couch and walked over to Jess in the kitchen.

"You look funny. You know a warm bath will make you feel better, right?" She said.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "What do you mean?"

"You're vagina is sore, right?" She asked casually.

Dean then appeared in the kitchen looking curious.

I rolled my eyes at him and nodded yes.

"Okay, so take a nice warm bath. Really let your body soak in the water for a while. I guarantee that you will feel better" she told me.

I shook my head chuckling at her. "Of course you would know that"

She nodded smiling at me mischievously. "Mhm. I know things"

Dean chuckled. "I bet you do" he then picked me up bridal style. "I'm stealing her for a while"

"If your going to do the nasty put the cowboy hat on the door! Its in Damon's room!" She shouted up the stairs after us.

Ew! Just thinking about what her and Damon do makes my head hurt.

Dean sat me down on the bed in our room and took my shoes off.

I looked down at him smiling. "What are you doing?"

He smirked that sexy smirk of his. "Taking care of my princess" he put my shoes in the closest and walked into the bathroom. "Get undressed!"


I heard the water running so I just did as I was told and got undressed and wrapped my towel around myself. I walked into the bathroom and seen Dean naked in the bath tub. He turned the water off and held out his hand. I hesitantly dropped my towel and took his hand. He helped me into the tub and I sat down in between his legs.

The tub was full with bubbles, the lights were dim, the water was warm just the way I liked it, and Dean was perfect.

"Are you nervous?" He rubbed my arm.

Hell yea!

"A little. I've never done this before"

"Me either" he confessed.

I kind of found that hard to believe. "Really?"

"Yea.. I never tried to be romantic with anyone besides you"

"I'm honored" I smiled.

He chuckled. "You should be"

It was silent for a few minutes. We just sat there both of us enjoying each others company.

"Did I force you to have sex last night?" He suddenly asked.

I looked up at him a little confused. "Why would you ask me that?"

"Your first time should've been better than that.. More romantic.. And not in the heat of the moment"

"I have to to admit, I was a little mad at myself for last night. I always imagined my first time being romantic, magical, and with the person I loved" I admitted.

Dean looked away from me and rubbed his beard, which made me smile at his cuteness.

"Then I realized how stupid I was for being mad at myself.." I paused. "My first time was exactly how I imagined it would be. Romantic, magical, and with this sexy amazing guy that I love so much. It can't get any better than that"

"I'm a lucky man" he smirked.

"No your a smart man" we laughed.

"You know why I like being with you?" He asked.


"Because it's so natural" he paused. "My entire life, I spent being forced to do everything. I never had the option not to.. It was always, make sure my brothers okay, clean the house, get money, go to school, get my mom off the streets, do this, do that.. It's exhausting. So many times, I thought about just leaving, go to California or something.. Or since I didn't have the money, I thought maybe I should just end it all"

"What do you mean by 'end it all?'" I asked softly.

He sighed and closed his eyes, and I knew he was talking about suicide.
Just the thought of seeing him.. Ugh, I can't even say it. I don't know what I would do... I'd lose it.

"But I don't feel that with you. I don't feel angry like I used to. I don't question my worth with you. I don't have to pretend with you, because I know you can see right through my mask. I don't have to try with you because everything is so.. natural. Nothing is forced between us. It's easy to love you."

"You mean that?" I was in awe at this point.

"Would I?" He smirked.

I gave him a flat look..

"True.. But not to you. Of course I meant it. Every last word"

I turned around in the tub, my legs now wrapped around his waste and he pulled me closer to him. My hands cuped his face and I kisses him passionately.

I started to feel something poking at my private area and I smiled into our kiss

"I think Dean wants to play" I teased.

"Sorry.. This position is kind of dangerous" he bit his lip and tried to fix himself.

My hand diped in the water to stop him. "I didn't say I didn't like it"

He raised an eyebrow and gave me a mischievious smirk. He positioned himself back to the way he was and captured my lips again. The more he rubed himself against me the deeper our kiss got. Eventually his hand diped in the water and came in contact with my love spot. I never pictured myself being this kind of way... Sexual and confident.

I think its safe to say that Jess's 'warm bath' idea worked..

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