Chapter Fifteen

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The Story Of Us

Chapter Fifteen



My parents and I were currently in our living room. I've had A pretty rough go of it lately... But this, this takes the cake. This is the the worst thing they could do to me.

"Okay, I'm a little confused. What do you mean you sold the house?" I asked anger is front and center.

"We sold the house honey. What else do you want us to say? Someone else will be living here," mom said like it was no big deal.

"But why?" I whined.

"Well, because we're never here," dad said.

"And that's my fault?"

"No honey! It's not your fault at all. We're not blaming you for our work schedule," mom assured me.

Good, cause it most definitely isn't my fault that they wanted to work all the time. That's their damn problem that they don't want to be here, not mine!

I sighed, trying to stay calm and civilized, "So where are we moving to then?"

My parents gave each other a look and sighed. It's never good when they look at each other like that.

Dad scratched the back of his head, "Actually buttercup, that's what we really wanted to talk to you about."

I swear if they tell me we're moving half way across the world I'm gonna lose my shit! I raised an eyebrow for them to continue.

"Well, since your eighteen we were thinking you could just get a nice luxury condo or something in the city," Mom said. "Ya know, so you won't have to move away to a new state and go through the hassle of changing schools and meeting knew people... Plus, you graduate soon. Only a few more months to go," dad finished enthusiastically.

I can't believe what I'm hearing. Just don't call, dont come home enough and you know what? I've accepted that they've just left me here alone. I'm okay with that because I'm home. This is my home! The only thing besides Jess that I've I knew would always be here for me. The house has my whole life in it! And they wanna take it away, throw me in some luxury apartment in city so they can just go back to work and traveling without having me as a burden or this house as a reminder of what they lost.

"So let me get this straight," I said standing up to pace. "You guys want to sell our home? The home we grew up in? And you want me to just go get a place of my own because you're pretty much never here? Is that right?" I asked them.

"That's right," dad answered.

"And what are you gonna do with Spinner's stuff?" I glared at them.

Their heads dropped in shame. I bet they were hoping I wouldn't bring him up... Well too funking bad!

"We're going to get one of those storage containers and just have the packers put his stuff in there," mom answered uncomfortably.

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