Chapter 24

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So Christmas is in two days and I have no idea what to get Mia. I've done my Christmas shopping for everyone else already so I'm not worried about them. Originally I intended on giving Mia that vanity I fixed up for her for Christmas.. But it didn't work out that way.

It's been about a month 1/2 since Mia fully moved in. Nothing has really changed. We sleep in the same bed and use the same bathroom just as before. Well, my room does smell really girly now.. And instead of just my blow dryer and comb sitting on the bathroom counter, it's her flat iron, make up, tampons, hair curlers, facial shit and some wand thing she uses on her hair.. Personally I don't see why girls have and need all that shit..

Mia and Jess we're probably in school right now. After today we're off for about two weeks so I didn't even bother going. I stayed the night at my moms last night unfortunately... She was currently asleep on the couch with an ashtray sitting on her chest. I shook my head at how absolutely crazy and unhealthy she looked. She doesn't even care that she's slowly killing herself with all of these drugs and the alcohol.. Then again why would she? She never cared about me and Damon before, so why would she start now?..

The good news is.. I found a rehabilitation center for her. She'll be on medication and will be learning how to deal and cope without drugs and alcohol. She'll also be talking to a group therapist about drug and alcohol abuse. So this is her last day in this shitty apartment.

She's my mom and she needs help.. If I have to break my pockets to do so then so be it..

I took the ashtray off of her chest and sat it on the cluttered coffee table. I picked her up and carried her into her room and laid her sleeping body in her bed. I turned the light off and closed the door.

I stood there for a second just looking at all the toxic shit she has been injecting and ingesting into her body. Hard core drugs just sitting there causally on my coffee table. Drugs and alcohol.. Disgusting..

I'm sick of this shit.

I picked up handfuls of her drugs and flushed them all down the toilette. I poured all of her alcohol down the drain and through all of the bottles away. By the time I was done cleaning up her filth and throwing all of her toxic shit out the apartment almost looked brand new.. I looked around pleased with how clean the place looked.

This is how an apartment should look.

I quietly entered my mom's room, carful not to wake her. I took out a suitcase from the closet and began to pack everything she would need. She'll be hospitalized so she won't be home for a long time...

She doesn't even know where she's going.. I just told her that we're going away for awhile. And by we're I mean her.

This will be good for her.. She's a decent person when she sober..


After I dropped my mom off at the rehabilitation center and dodged her punches and ignored her threats and screams.. I drove to the mall.

So I am currently standing in a Jewellery store looking dumbfounded.

"Sir, can I help you with something?" A white gay guy asked me.

I have nothing against gay people.. I don't like to stereotype people. But I do have to admit, its creepy and scary as hell when another man is coming onto you. I've unfortunately been through it.

Damn this sexy face of mine..

"Um yea.. I guess I could use some help" I admitted. "I'm looking for a gift"

"For a girlfriend?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

I unwillingly blushed and looked away. "No She's just a friend"

He obviously wasn't buying it. "Oh honey please! Just a friend? You don't come to a jewelry store like this for, and I quote "just a friend" okay? You come here when you only want the best of the best honey!" He grinned. "And something tells me that your not use to doing this sort of thing for somebody so listen to me honey, I'm going to help you. But, you have to tell me a little something something about this "friend" of yours okay?"

"Um.. Okay" I agreed.

"Kay, so what's her favorite color?" He asked.

"Purple" that was easy.

"What's her skin complexion?"

"She's black so... Like a caramel / milk chocolate color?" I told him unsure.

I didn't really know how to explain it but all I know is that her skin is the perfect shade of chocolate. Every time I see her I just want to take a bite.

"Oooohh okay! You like to swirl too? I see you honey" he playfully slapped my shoulder. "Okay, so you know what? Enough questions.. I think I have something you might be interested in. This would look fantastic against her skin tone"

"Let's see it"

"Well then follow me. Right this way.."

I followed him across the store and he pulled out a medium sized burgundy box and opened. Inside sat a pretty silver, diamond bracelet... And it was perfect for Mia.

A smirked spread across my face.

"I'll take it"

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