Chapter 27

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"Cause I know when my hotline bling!!" Jess and I sung excitedly. "That could only mean one thing!!"

Hotline bling by Drake was blasting throughout my car while Jess and I sung and danced along to it. It's New Years eve and we couldn't be more excited!

As the song can to an end and I turned onto our street, I started to hear a weird noise.

I turned the radio down. "Do you hear that?" I asked Jess.

"Yea, what the hell is that?" She scrunched up her nose. "What did I do with my phone?.."

As we got closer to the house I could hear the noise better and I could see people everywhere.

"Jess look"

She looked up and her mouth dropped. "They through a party!?"

We parked in the driveway, grabbed all of our bags and went inside the house.

The music was loud and I had no idea this house could fit this many people in it. Jess and I pushed through the hot sticky crowd of people and in to the kitchen where we knew the boys would be.

Jess and I stood in the doorway just staring at these idiots..

Chris was chugging a 2 liter bottle of Pepsi and the rest of the guys were cheering him on... Except Dean. He was talking to some random girl.

"This is some party!" Jess yelled to get their attention.

They all stopped what they were doing and looked at Jess and I.

I narrowed my eyes at Dean and noticed that the girl he was talking to had her hand on his chest..

I tried so hard to ignore it.. But I couldn't... And the more I stared at her hand on his chest the more pissed I got.

I really had no right to get mad though.. He's not my man so I can't really tell him who he can our can't flirt with..

But still..

Dean then said his good bye to Miss. Thang he was talking to and came over to me.

I don't know if I want to talk to him.. He can go talk to his little girl friend.

"Hey princess" he smirked at me.


He raised an eyebrow at me. "What's wrong?"


"It's clearly something"

I guess I'm pretty bad at hiding my emotions..

"It's nothing"

"Talk to me" he grabbed my hands.

I rolled my eyes. "Why don't you go talk to your girlfriend? She keeps staring at you.."

His eyebrows became a straight line showing his confusion. "What, her? Nah she's not my type"

"Oh? You have a type?" I asked.

"Yea, don't we all?" He pinched my chin and wrapped my arms around his waste.

Ugh, he knows exactly what he's doing to me.

I smirked. "Not me"

"Yes you do"

I chuckled. "Do I?"

"Mhm.." He stared down at me. "You like, tall, sexy, funny, buff, bearded white boys who are in the mist of growing man buns"

My head flew back as I laughed. "You just described yourself!"


I playfully shoved him and he winked at me, that smirk never leaving his face.

I was too nervous to tell him he was right. He's exactly my "type".

Dean made me a drink and we stood with the rest of the guys for a while. We danced, drank, and just had fun. Dean disappeared with Jake a while ago and I wondered where he went.. I brushed it off and headed upstairs to the bathroom.

As I got to the top of the steps, I immediately froze, staring wide eyed at the sight in front me.

Dean kissing Samantha... The girl he absolutely hates.

I gasped earning Dean and that hoe's attention.

He pushed her away from him and I ran down back down the steps, not wanting him to see me cry.

"Mia, wait!" He yelled after me.

I just ignored him..

How could I be so stupid? Falling for a guy like him and thinking that I might actually have a chance..

I'm so stupid!

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