Chapter Twelve

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The Story Of Us

Chapter Twelve




I opened my eyes and was painfully greeted by the sun. It was bright and beautiful and it normally made me happy, but right now it was really getting on my nerves and made my head hurt.

I tried to turn over, but something heavy was wrapped around my waist. Looking beside me, I saw Dean, laying next to me with his arm draped around me.

"Dean? What the hell are you doing in my bed?" I shouted waking him up.

"Fuck!" he gasped with his hand over his heart. "This is the way you wake a man up in the morning?"

"Why are you in my bed?" I asked again.

"Sorry princess, but you're in my bed," he scratched his facial hair, which was thickening by the day.

God, he just wakes up sexy! He doesn't even have to do anything! Unlike me, I always look like a train wreck in the morning. Wait.. Did he just say that I'm in his bed?

I took in my surroundings and wondered why I wasn't home or at Jess's house. I stared at Dean and noticed that he didn't have a shirt on. Confusion rocked my brain. 

"You don't have a shirt on," I pointed out, not that it really bothered me. He looks good.

"Neither do you, but you don't hear me complaining," he smirked at me.

I blushed and look down at myself. All I saw was my black bra. No dress. A number of things ran through my mind. Why the hell am I not wearing my dress? I remember having a few drinks, hints my pounding head right now. But did I throw up on myself? Did someone throw up on me? Nope. Not gonna think about that because I'll start gagging.

"Oh my God!" I quickly covered myself with the blanket. "Where's my dress?"

"It's on the floor." 

He got out of bed and stretched. All of his muscles flexed at once and for some reason I started to feel a that tingling sensation between my legs. Am I horny for Dean? It's one thing to be turned on, but to be horny...for Dean, just because he stretched without a shirt on...? That's new for me.

"Like what you see?" He smirked.

I blushed and averted my eyes. I got out of the bed not caring if Dean saw me in my underclothes. I picked my dress up and put it on. Dean never took his eyes off of me and for once, that didn't bother me.

I can play your games too Dean.. I thought to myself.

"Like what you see?" I mocked him. "Because, little Dean seems to like me," I chuckled, motioning to his junk.

He looked down and noticed that his dick is hard. "First of all, there's nothing little about my dick and I got nothing to be ashamed about."

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