Chapter 35

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*pictures of Jonah and Noah**Dean's POV*

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*pictures of Jonah and Noah*
*Dean's POV*

"Alright. I'm out of here. Make sure you lock up" Jim told me.

"Sure thing. See ya"

I took a few minutes to appreciate the alone time. This is the only part of my day that I get to spend by myself. Gives me some time to think..

I have about two weeks left to get Miguel's money.. I haven't even gotten half of it yet.. I know Miguel isn't kidding this time. He will kill my friends and take Mia. I've seen him do it. Believe it or not, this has happened before. My mom really knows how to fuck up someone's life..

There is way too much money on the table this time.. I can't do it. But this time I'm prepared. If it's a fight he wants, then that's what I'm gonna give him.

I locked the shop up and got in my car and drove home. Everyone was in the living room watching a movie except for Jonah and Mia.

"Where's Jonah and Mia?" I asked to anyone.

"Jonah went to go get pizza and Mia is up stairs" Damon said.

"Rule number 1 to being a good boyfriend? Don't. Be. A. Dick. To. your. girlfriend" Chris said.

I rolled my eye's even though he was right. "Eat ass"

He smiled. "Like groceries?"

If I was in a better mood I would've laughed. I ignored him and went upstairs. As I entered my room I stopped dead in my tracks. Shock and fear shot through my body as I saw Mia sitting on the floor holding a gun.

My gun..

"What are you doing with that?" I asked, my voice low.

She looked up at me with an expression that I can't describe.

"I think a better question is.." She paused. "Why do you have this?"

I didn't answer her. I didn't know what to tell her.

"Why do you have this gun Dean?!" She stood.

What the hell am I supposed to say!? I have a gun because my mother owes some crazy ass psychopath a lot of money and if I don't give him his money, well we all die..

Not gonna fucking happen!!

"Damn it Dean! Fucking answer me!" She yelled. "Why do you have a gun!?"

"To protect you!!" I shouted. "To protect you and everyone else!!"

She looked at me confused. "Why would you need to protect us Dean?"

I didn't answer.. She doesn't need to know.

She stared at me with watery eyes and a tear ran down her cheek as she shook her head at me. "What are you hiding?.."

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