The Talk

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Nicki POV

I was with Christian and we was having a good ass time,it's been a minute since I've got to spend time with any of them since our careers started. He hit me with a topic I wasn't expecting.

"So when are you and Ci gonna have some kids" He smirks

"You know what I don't know" I say

With everything that has been happening lately we haven't talked about it. We have once or twice but it was never serious,it would be nice to start a family.

"Y'all would have some cute kids,you know now they provide equipment so that both of y'all DNA and the donors will be in the child" He says

"Really?" I ask

"Yea,when y'all pick a date go down there and see" He says

"Ok,thanks" I say

We talk for a while before I leave for a last minute rehearsal. When I get there I change into my outfit and get my hair and makeup touched up,I get the script and we start.

It went by quick and I decided to talk to Alan for a while.

"You look so stunning today" He says

"Thank you,you ok yourself" I smile

I don't understand how Ci thinks he has feelings for me,I think he's just being nice and friendly.

"What you got planned today?" He asks

"Nothing really,stay at home type of day" I say

"You wanna go get something to eat?" He asks

"Sure" I say

I grab my bag,get in my car,and follow him. When I get there I realize this nigga took me to McDonald's.

"Negro no you ain't take me to a McDonald's" I laugh

"You know you ok with that,come on" He chuckles

I text Ci,telling her to text me when she get home so I could talk to her. My phone vibrates while I'm in the middle of telling Alan something.

Babygirl 😍🔥💖💍: I should be home in 5 minutes

Me: Alright,on my way

"I'm sorry Alan I have to cut this short" I say as I grab the food and my bag

"It's ok,what happened?" He asks

"I have to talk to Ciara about something important" I say

"Oh ok,I'll see you on Friday" He says

"Ok bye" I say

"Bye" He says

Alan is a nice,caring person,he's mixed with black and white,he has a nice curly Afro,he never came off wrong to me so I don't see the problem with him.

When I get home I put the food in the fridge and wash my hands,I go in the bedroom and Ci looks up at me. I sit on the bed and I motion for her to come over here,I pull her down on my lap and lay my head on her shoulder.

"What did you wanna talk about?" She asks

"When do you wanna have kids?" I ask

"Anytime is good" She says

"How many?" I ask

"3" She says

That's reasonable I want the same amount so this works out fine.

"But I'm only carrying 1 or 2,your gonna carry at least one of them,I'm not doing all 3" She laughs

"I kinda figured" I laugh

"2 boys 1 girl" She says

"Uh uh 2 girls 1 boy" I smile

"I can't handle a mini me so I only want 1" She says

"Who said you was gonna carry the girls?" I smirk

"Who said you was gonna carry the girls?" She asks

"They're still gonna have my DNA so we'll see" She smiles

"Who do you want to be the donor?" I ask

She thinks for a few seconds before telling me.

"Nay,we have to talk to him first" She says

He got good ass genes so I don't blame her.

"Ok,so after we talk to him we'll call the place and set a date" I say

She smiles and twirls with the ends of my hair,I swear she's my everything,she always has this spark in her eyes and that makes me happy.

"Babe give me a kiss" I say as I pucker my lips

She leans in to kiss me and I gladly accept it.

"Another one" I say in my DJ Khaled voice

"Fuck no,not after that" She laughs

"Come on one more" I say as I pretend to pout

"Later" She smirks as she stands up

I laugh and playfully stick my middle finger up at her.

"You play too much" I chuckle

She smiles and kisses me long and deep,she added a little tongue too 😝.

I lay back on the bed and pull her on top of me.

"I love you" I say

"I love you too" She says

"I'm carrying the first child" She adds

"That's fine" I say as I run my hand down her stomach.

A/N: Do you guys think future is gonna agree to do it? Is it gonna be 2 boys 1 girl or 2 girls 1 boy? Next update soon!

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