Easter Surprise

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Christian POV

Today we're going to church to celebrate Easter,I get in the car with Tyla and head over to the church we've been in for years. I have on black dress pants,a white button up shirt,and black dress shoes. Tyla has on a black dress and black heels. We walk in and sit next to Davis,Future,SB,and August and the service starts. I open the bible and follow along with the pastor. A few minutes later Ciara,Nicki,J'Shawn,and Chanel come in and sit next to me,I tell them where we're at in the bible and they follow along.

"Deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 20 it states,Love the Lord your God,obey him,and commit yourself fully to him. This is the key to your life" The pastor says

"Any problems you may have don't stress over it,have faith and leave it in God's hands" He says

"If you're happy and blessed to be here on this Easter Sunday say Amen" He adds

"Amen" I say

"You have to realize that the unpleasant obstacles in your life are often God-ordained opportunities to make a difference. You might be in a situation right now where everything is going wrong and you can't figure it out. But God knows. Nothing in your life is accidental. The pleasures and pains,the opportunities,and obstacles,God can use it all. There is nothing God cannot use for good in your life if you'll hand it over to him and then trust him" He says

"Today's devotional says,REST IN ME,MY CHILD. This time devoted to me is meant to be peaceful,not stressful. You don't have to perform in order to receive My Love. I have boundless,unconditional Love for you. How it grieves Me to see My children working for Love: trying harder and harder,yet never feeling good enough to be loved. Be careful that your devotion to Me does not become another form of works. I want you to come into My Presence joyfully and confidently. You have nothing to fear,for you wear My own righteousness. Gaze into My eyes,and you will see no condemnation,only Love and delight in the one I see. Be blessed as My Face shines radiantly upon you,giving you Peace." He says

That was really powerful,I took everything to the heart and mind.

"Let's bow our heads and say a prayer before we leave" He says

We bow our heads and he starts.

"Our father in heaven we praise your name on the beautiful Easter Sunday,we ask that you allow to have everybody walk out in peace and safety,all the Sunday dinners everyone is going back to we ask that there's no harm done,on this day we celebrate the resurrection of your son and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,we ask that you fill everybody's heart with love and passion,all new lives coming into this world and other things,we take your hand God as you guide us through life and asking for your forgiveness every step of the way,in Jesus name we pray,Amen" He says

"Amen" We say

We meet up with our parents and go back to Ci's parents house. We get ourselves situated before sitting at the table. Ham,Corn Bread,Mac&Cheese,Collard Greens,Fried Chicken,Deviled Eggs,and sweet tea were displayed across the table and I was ready for it all. We bless the food and start eating. Our parents were masters in the kitchen and we never complained. The kids in our families were running around doing Easter egg hunts and it was a beautiful sight. I remember when we were doing that every year like it was yesterday,it makes me wanna do what I have planned right now. I slid my right hand in my pocket and rubbed my fingers against the box in there. I've been thinking about marrying Tyla for a while now and where our lives are right now makes it seem like the perfect time. It wasn't loud so I decided to do it now.

"Tyla you know I love you right?" I ask

"Of course" She says

"We've been together for almost 9 years and it's been the best years of my life,you're always there when I need you and you can throw down in the kitchen" I smile

"I know what's bout to happen,let me get my camera ready" Her mom says while pulling out her phone

"I really appreciate everything you do,and you make me so happy more than words can describe,I remember the day you agreed to go on a date with me and I'm glad I got the chance to treat you like the queen you are,but it's only one thing that would complete it to make you my queen officially" I say while grabbing her hand

"Christian where are you going with this?" She asks

I push my chair out and stand up,I pull the box out my pocket and get on one knee in front of her,I feel her pulse grow and I smile before taking a deep breath.

"Tyla Parham,will you marry me?" I ask while opening the box

"Yes" She says as her eyes start to water up

I put the ring on her finger and stand up. I pull her up and kiss her passionately,I hug her tightly and kiss her cheek.

"I love you" I say in her ear

"I love you too" She says

I'm so happy she said yes,now we can move one step closer to completing our lives with each other. The start of a new beginning.

A/N: Christian and Tyla finna walk down that aisle and shut it down! Next update soon!

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