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Ciara POV

Who knew contractions would hurt this bad,Nicki went to go get the bag we had packed with extra clothes and Nay was helping me to the car. He was walking slow though,does he think I wanna take my time.

"Nayvadius" I say

"Yea" He says

"If you don't walk faster I will shuffle my way out the door,I don't care if I'm pregnant,these contractions feel like they're stabbing me repeatedly and I have no problem speed walking out the door" I say

"Ok" He chuckles

"How is that funny?" I ask

"Cause it is" He laughs

I take a few breaths and try not to snap on him. I get in the car and groan while squeezing this stress ball they gave me so I wouldn't squeeze their hand. The drive to the hospital felt long and painful. When we get there Nay tells the receptionist who my doctor is and they take me to a room. I change into the hospital gown and lay back in the bed. My doctor comes in along with 2 nurses and he asks me when my water broke and what I've done since. I decide to get epidural cause I know this pain gon be real. I get drowsy and fall asleep against my will. When I wake up I feel the pain coming back and the doctor tells me it's time to have the baby.

"You'll be fine" Nay says

"Relax" Nicki says

"Ready?" The doctor asks

I nod my head and Nay holds my hand while Nicki rubs my hair.

"On the count of three I want you to push,1,2,3" He says

I take a deep breath and push out,that almost made me dizzy as hell.

"This time I want you to stop pushing when I count to ten" He says

"Ok" I say

"1,2,3,push" He says

I push and he counts to 10 and I stop with relief,this is hard.

"Push for as long as you can" He says

I push for about 20 seconds and I start to feel weak. All this pushing and holding my breath is gonna wear me out.

"A few more pushes" He says

I push again and I feel a sharp pain shoot through my abdomen and legs making me scream and bring some tears to my eyes.

"Ci calm down" Nay says

"Calm down? Don't tell me to calm down Nayvadius,cause you're not the one pushing the baby out and Nicki don't say shit!" I yell

"Keep going,it's working" The doctor says

I don't pay any mind to it,my focus is on Nay and Nicki who seem to be unsympathetic.

"I didn't say anything" She laughs

"Both of you shut the hell up cause neither of you are in any pain,had to get a needle in your spine,has been carrying for 9 months,having your breast overflow with milk,swollen ankles,back pains or any of that! So I suggest you sit back and watch the show! Fucking childish ass" I yell

"Congratulations Ciara,you gave birth to a beautiful,healthy baby boy" The doctor says

"I didn't push though" I confusingly

"Thanks to Nayvadius and Nicki,just by you yelling was enough to push him out,you were pushing that whole time and you didn't even know" He smiles

"I'll have the nurses measure his weight and height and bring him to you,I'll be back to check up on you soon" He says before walking out

"How you feel?" Nicki asks

"Tired but I'm happy" I say

The nurses come in with Zahir and she places him in my arms. He's so beautiful,he opens his eyes and I'm so mesmerized by him.

"He has your eyes and eyebrows Nicki" Nay says while looking at him in awe

"And Ci's completion and lips" She says

"And Nay's nose and facial structure" I say

I look at him again and see a whole world in his eyes. I don't have no one to thank but God,Nicki,and Nayvadius. I can finally say me and Nicki are a family. I can't wait till I take him home.

A/N: Zahir Bryson Wilburn is here!! What do you guys think about the chapter? Next update soon!

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