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Nicki POV

I walk downstairs into the kitchen and prepare some chicken. My mom makes the best chicken ever,fried,baked,and grilled. She does it all. As I'm putting the chicken in the pan the doorbell rings. I go to answer it and when I open it my breath gets caught in my throat. Why is he here?

"Hey Nicki" He smiles

"What do you want Alan?" I ask

"You haven't responded to any of my calls and texts for a month,I just wanted to make sure you were ok" He says

"You don't need to know,I suggest you leave before Ciara gets back" I say

I expect him to come to his senses and leave but instead he walks closer to me.

"She doesn't appreciate you like I do,you keep worrying about how she's gonna feel when she didn't give a fuck how you felt after she found out what happened,we could've had something but you wouldn't get over her" He says

"Alan you're crazy,get out" I say

He pulls me close to him and I feel something sharp and cold touch my stomach.

"If I can't have you no one can" He says

He kisses my cheek and the cold object moves up my stomach. He lifts his arm to reveal a knife in his hand,my heart races and I look up at his face. He has this crazy look in his eyes and I instantly get scared for my life. The door opens and I look towards it to see Ciara coming in. She stops in her tracks and looks at us confused.

"What are you doing here?" She asks

"Just talking to Nicki" He says

He turns around and her eyes get wide when she sees the knife.

"Oh" She says nervously

She walks over to me and grabs my hand.

"Ciara I'm gonna cut to the chase,you don't deserve Nicki and if she doesn't come to me I'm gonna kill her and you too if you get in the way or tell" He says

"What the fuck?" She mumbles

"Alan get out of my house,forever,take your knife and leave" She says

"That would be too easy" He says while walking to her

She slaps the knife out of his hand and I quickly look up at her.

"Ci!" I say as I see a drop of blood

"It's nothing,I'll clean it off" She says

He bends down to pick the knife back up and she knees him in the nose. He groans and stands back up with anger in his eyes.

"You're gonna pay for that" He says lowly

He grabs her throat and backs her into the wall.

"Alan stop!" I yell

"No! She had a lot to do a few seconds ago!" He says

She pushes him away from her and punches him in his mouth. She hits hard so I'm not surprised that his lip is bleeding.

"Alright you asked for it" He says

He pushes her to the ground and climbs on top of her. He tries to charge the knife down at her but she grabs his wrists.

"Alan please get off of her" I say

I try to get him off of her but he's too heavy.


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