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Soda looked very mad. Then he launched towards Dallas. But Dally put his hand up and it blocked his head so he could not go any further. Then Darry walked up and picked up Soda and put him back on the couch. Then he walked back over to Dally and said "You better not pull any carp or that is exactly what you will be in." Dally just looked away then said "You don't scare me and I already promised her I wouldn't." Darry smiled then sat back down. Then Dally walked out from the kitchen but instead of a bear he had a coke. I find this weird because earlier today he went out to the kitchen 3 times and each time he got a bear and never even touched the cokes. "Dally did you forget how to read that's a coke not a bear." Two-Bit said. "Yeah I know." Dally replied. "I've never seen you drink a coke Dal." Soda said. But Dally ignored them and sat down on the couch. I sat down next to him and he smiled at me. See I think the thing about Dally was that he just couldn't find the right girl who would respect him and not expect to get a make out session by the end of the night. Dallas is my second boyfriend. I know what your think "Really she is so lame. I can't believe she has only had one boyfriend." But I dated that dude for like 5 years. I'm pretty sure we dated all threw high school.

The next day was Saturday and Dally was taking me to the nightly double tonight. I woke up and got dressed. I put on a blue T-shirt that said "Tulsa" in big letters across the front and for pants I had on dark blue jeans. I walked out to the living room to see all the gang here except Pony. "Hey can I go wake up the sleepy head?" I asked when all of a sudden Pony walked out from the kitchen with no shirt on and supper messy hair. "Who's the sleepy head." He said while yawning. "Oh no one." I said while laughing.

Nothing else really happened that day. We just watched TV. It was finally 7:30 The sun was getting low so I was gonna go get ready for the date. I threw on a blue plaid button up and threw on my blue swetshirt. Then I walked out to the living room to Dally passing back and forth. "Calm down Dallas." I said and he jumped. We then walked out the door and went to the movie. The whole time we just talked and he never said any thing dirty. While walking home we were holding hands and he had a huge smile on his face. I thought this night was perfect and nothing could go wrong. I was wrong

Long lost Curtis SisterWhere stories live. Discover now