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Soda's POV

It has been five days scene Darry and Pony accused Marie of having sex with Dally. She keeps calling off work and won't leave her room. Luckily I didn't quit the DX yet. Every time someone goes into her room she screams at them to get out. The only person she lets in her room is Dally. He usually brings her some food. Is she really that mad at us. Sometimes Dally stays the night. I just want to talk to her. "Hey Dal can you stay out here?" I asked him. "Sure." He said. I walked in and Dal followed me. She had her head in her pillow. "Hey Dal." she said. "Hey babe." he said while I put my hand on her shoulder "Why won't you talk to us?" I asked. She looked back at me and screamed "Get out of my room!" "Answer my question!" I screamed back. "Oh no." She said then ran to the bathroom and started to puke. Dally rushed to her side and started to rub her back. "Babe?" He asked. "Yes." She said then reached into the trash can and held up a pregnancy test to him. He pulled her face out of the toilet bent down to her level and held her to his chest. "I love you." He said. Then she lunged back to the toilet and started to throw up even more.

I walked out to the kitchen. "Darry I found out what is wrong with Marie." He looked confused then I said "She didn't that day you asked her but she must have done it during those five days she was in her room. She's pregnant." I told him. He looked worried then ran to her. "Marie why didn't you tell us?" He asked her.

Marie's POV

I just sat here and puked my brain out and all he had to say was "Marie why didn't you tell us?" I started to cry I didn't know what to do. Dally helped me to my room then pulled me into his chest like he dose every time I cry. I was still crying but I looked up and saw Dally was crying to. "Why are you crying?" I asked with tears running down my face. He then caught me in a big hug and rested his chin on my head and said "Because I love you." I looked up to him and kissed him and said "I love you too." Then he layed me down on my bed and said "Now you get some rest." So I did as he said and fell asleep

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