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Marie's POV

It has been about a month sence Lolly came to stay with us. You can really see my baby bump now. I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I opened it and Darry was standing there. "Hey Pony wants to tell us all something in the living room. So come on." He said then walked away. I walked out to the living room and winked at Lolly knowing this was about them dating. "So um guys I got my first girlfriend." Pony started. Oh and by the way his voice did stop cracking and it is a lot deeper now. Two-Bit slapped his back and said "Congrats! Who's the girl?!" Pony then turned his head to look at Lolly. She stood up and went and sat on his lap. Then Darry looked confused and asked "How long has this been going on?" "A month." I said answering for them because I knew they were both to scarred to answer. "You knew!" He shouted at me. "Yeah." I said very casual. He then sat back down realising he was shouting and said "Well Pony that's real cool." Then we all just sat there talking and Dally came and sat next to me and held my hand.

We started to have our own separate conversation. "So when is the appointment?" He asked me. "Tomorrow at three." I answered. I couldn't wait for the ultrasound. I really wanted to know whether it was a boy or girl. "So do you want to find out tomorrow, have a reveal party, or just never find out till birth." I asked him. "I think we should find out tomorrow and have a party to tell the gang." "Okay I like that idea." I replied kissing his cheek. Then Darry turned and asked "What are you two talking about?" I pointed to my stomach and he nodded.

~The next day~

Dally's POV

The next day I got up early. I got dressed and headed over to the Curtis house. I wanted to spend the whole day with Marie. I got there and she was still asleep. So I asked Darry "Hey can I go wake up Marie?" "Sure." He replied. I walked in her room layed down next to her. I kissed her forehead and said "Morning beutiful." She slowly opened her eyes and said "Morning babe." Then pecked my lips. "Hey you wanna go to the Dingo?" I asked her. "Sure." She said getting up "Now get out so I can get dressed." She said pushing me out the door.

She came out a few minutes later in a purple t-shirt and jeans. We walked out to her truck and I drove us there. When we walked in the door the manager greeted us then asked "Here to pick up an extra shift?" Marie answered "No I'm here to eat."

They took us to a table and gave us menus. We started to look over it and we both decided on some breakfast. We both decided on pancakes. We finally got our order and she ate the whole thing. I finished only half of mine. We then went back to her house.

When we walked threw the door all eyes were on us. "So did you figure out?" Darry asked breaking the silence. "No the appointments at three. And we already planned a way to tell you." Marie said she sounded sort of upset. She stormed off to her room and I followed her. She sat down the bed and I sat down next to her and put my hand on her knee. "Hey they didn't know." She smiled and laughed. "What? What is it?" I asked really confused. She then grabbed my hand and placed it on her stomach. I felt small kick. I laughed and hugged her. I then pulled away from her and put my hand back on her stomach. I guess the gang heard us laughing because they quick burst threw the door. "What are two laughing about?!?" Pony shouted. "It's kicking." Marie said. Then Pony pushed me out of the way and felt her stomach. Then we all took turns feeling her stomach. Until it stopped. She then layed down on the bed as every one left.

It then reached 12:00 and I went to get her something to eat. I walked out to the kitchen and made her a pb&j. I sliced up an Apple and put it all on a plate for her. I then called her out and she came out to the kitchen and started to eat. I know what your all thinking "Since when is Dallas Winston so responsible?" Well to answer your question since I got a girl that gets me.


That was a long chapter comment if you would rather have short or long chapters. Also comment if it should be baby Jonathan or baby Jane?

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