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Marie's POV

As Steve walked in he noticed the suspicious look on Alyssa's face that we all saw. "What did you?" Steve asked in a very angry tone. "Nothing!" She said throwing her hands up in surrender.

Steve looked her up and down then stared in her eyes with a very stern look on his face. Silence filled the room as Steve started to tap his foot. This is the most serious I've ever seen Steve. He started to walk closer the Alyssa. "Save me!" She screamed and ran and hid behind Johnny. "Johnny does this have something to do with you?" Steve asked still sounding mad.

I saw Johnny turn white as a sheet. Then he fell back and fainted. Steve quick picked him up and moved him to the couch. I wet a rag and started to dab it on his forehead. Then out of the silence I heard laughing.

I turn around to see Steve ticking Alyssa. "Fine I'll tell you!" She screamed. Steve got off her as she started to confess. "So I kissed Johnny. Then he asked me out. Then we layed down on the bed and started to talk. I got tired and wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his a little above my waist. Then we both fell asleep." She said as I kept dabbling Johnny's forehead.

Steve smiled and smacked her back and said "Congrats on your first boyfriend." Then Johnny started to wake up. "He's waking up!" I scream. Alyssa quick runs to Johnny's side. He sits up and Steve looks at him. Johnny starts to turn white but Steve quick said "Don't worry Johnny I'm happy for you." Johnny shook head but was still pretty shaky.

After about 10 more minutes Johnny's color was back and Alyssa and him were watching TV while holding hands.

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