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The next day Pony told me the whole story of how Johnny and him killed a soc and how Johnny got burnt and then went into a coma for a few days and how Dal robbed a store and went to jail for a few months and a weird thing was that Dal got out of jail the same day Johnny woke up from his coma. So I decided in honor of Johnny and Dally I would get a tattoo. I walked out to the living room and said "Johnny, Dally, and Pony come with me." They all followed me out to the car and Dal asked "Where we going?" "You'll see" I replied and started to drive.

We pulled up to the tattoo and peircieng place and Pony shouted out "Oh this is where Steve got his bird tattoo!" We walked inside and the boys sat down in chairs while I went into the back. I handed the guy a paper with my hand writhing on it. It said "Stay gold" in small cursive letters. "I want it from the top of my wrist to the bottom of my thumb." I said he shook his head and started to of tattoo. I looked at and it looked amazing. I went out and showed it to the guys and they all hugged me and we went out to my car to go home and show the gang. I wonder what they will think.

Long lost Curtis SisterWhere stories live. Discover now