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Darry's POV

I woke up the next morning and knew I had to talk to Marie before she left for work. I looked all there the house and could not find her. Her truck was still outside she didn't leave. So I went to her room and knocked on the door. "Come in!" I heard her scream. I turned the door knob and walked into find Dallas Winston laying in her bed. "Where is she?" I asked him. "In the closet getting changed." He replied. "Marie we need to talk. We didn't mean what we said yesterday we do believe you we were just doubting it for a second." I said to the closet door. The door opened and she said "Its fine. Hey Dally need a ride home?" Dally shook his head and they walked out to the car. I feel like they are hiding something.

Dally's POV

We got in the car and she turned on the radio. I turned it off and said "I think Darry thinks we had sex last night." "Well if he does he can get over it because we didn't. I'll even take a pregnancy test to show him we didn't." She replied. And she was right. She drove me to bucks bar and I kissed her goodbye. Then went upstairs to my room.

Marie's POV

I dropped off Dally then headed to work. In the middle of the day when Pony had lunch he asked if him and Johnny could get a ride home. Of course I agreed we were heading to the same place and I don't start working at the dingo till tomorrow.

On the ride home Pony was acting very weird. When we got to the house Pony said "Hey Johnny head in I need to talk to Marie." Johnny quick hopped out and went inside. "Marie did you and Dally um you know last night?" He asked. I was trying so hard not to slap him then go kill Darry. "No Pony and you don't need to be in my personal business!" I screamed then ran inside and went straight to my room. I heard a knock on the door and someone ask "Can I come in?" It was Dally. I opened the window then crawled into the closet and screamed "Its open!" I heard him walk in. "Marie I know you didn't run away. There is only two places you could be. Under the bed or in the closet. And you are to big to be under the bed so I'm coming in." He then opened the closet door sat down on the floor with me. He closed the door and pulled me into his chest. I wasn't crying but it felt good to have someone who truly loved me hold me close to them. I love Dallas Winston with all my heart and I will never let him go.

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