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Marie's POV

Today I get to go home. They put me in a wheel chair and hand me Jonathan. Then Dally stood behind me and wheeled me out to the front door where all the greasers were standing. I then stood up out of that stupid wheel chair and walked towards the guys. Dally put his arm around my shoulder as we walked out the door. I then realised his eyes weren't where they used to be. He usually looks at me or straight in front of me but instead he was looking down. I then realised he was looking at Jonathan, who was waking up. Jonathan started to cry. I snuggled him closer to my chest and the crying slowed down. When we got in the cry he started to cry again. Dally reached out and I handed him off to him. Dally started to the sweet face of the baby then put his finger in the palm of his hand and Jonathan gripped it tight. Then Pony broke into the sweet moment and said "I see my teaching has played off." Dal did a fake chuckle and gave Pony a death glare. Jonathan started crying and Dally's gave fixed to him. His eyes softened as he held the child closer to himself. I smiled knowing that Dal is gonna be a great father.

When we got home we all played pass the child again till he started to cry and I went into my room to feed him. After I fed him I changed his diaper then went out to the living room and put him in the pack'n'play so he could take a nap. Nap didn't really happen he just layed there and made noises. "So Dal when are you moving in?" Darry asked. "I was thinking of going and getting my stuff now." He told Darry "Can I borrow your truck?" He asked. Darry nodded. Dally then walked outside and Two-Bit and Steve went to help him.

While it was just Johnny, Darry, Pony, Soda, and I we heard a scream outside. I look out the door and see four socs beating up a girl. I noticed one of them has a switchblade as the four boys chase them away. I walk over to the girl who is in a Mickey Mouse shirt. The shirt has multiple cuts on it but none of them reach her body. The girl passed out so that either ment this is her first time being jumped and she passed out from pure fear or one of the socs hit her over the head. I some how picked her up and took her inside.

When the guys came back from chasing the socs Darry started to check if she was hurt. He found no cuts and no blood but it was obvious what the socs were planning on doing to her. She had a hickey on her neck and her pants and shirt were cut up.

After about five more minutes Dally, Steve, and Two-Bit came home. Right as Two-Bit walked in with in a box he saw her shirt and screamed "Eh Mickey Mouse!" He then put down the box and pointed to his shirt right as she woke up. She looked very confused. Right away she screamed. I think she thought the socs had kidnapped her. Then she saw all the guys with there greasy hair and said "Oh thank god your greasers." She looked over at Two-Bit and said "I like your shirt." His face lite up with a smile and said "I like yours to. What's your name pretty lady?" I agreed with him she was quite pretty. She had long hair that went down to her butt, the hair started out dirty blonde at the roots and half way through went full blonde, and she had bright baby blue eyes. "I'm Faith." She said smiling then she remembered she wasn't outside anymore "Um where am I?" She asked. "Well hi Faith I'm Marie Curtis and your at my house." She smiled knowing where she was then her smile faded. "Um I better get going." She said about to walk at the door. "Wait where are you going?" Two-Bit asked with concern in his voice. Before she could answer Jonathan started to cry. So I went over and picked him up while she kept talking to Two-Bit. "I'm gonna go find somewhere to sleep. Possibly a park bench." Two-Bit frowned he start to think. "Hey Darry got any extra room? Wait no you don't." He then started to think some more then said "You can stay at my house." She then shook her head. She sat down on the couch while Two-Bit helped finish getting Dally's stuff inside.

After they got Dally's stuff inside Faith and Two-Bit left for the night while the rest of us went to bed.

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