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I reached the house and when we walked inside Darry and Soda were fighting and no one else was home. "She can help me with the bills!" Darry shouted "But what if I don't want to go back!" Soda replied. "Well to bad I already enrolled you!" The boys stared at me like I should do something and they were still yelling. I layed down next to the couch pounded my fist on the floor and screamed "OW!" So it sounded like I fell and hit my head on the floor. They came rushing out "Oh my gosh! Marie are you ok?!" They both shouted. I stood up and said "Yeah. But you two better stop fighting. Soda you are going back to school and I'll pick up a second job at the dingo we'll be fine." I assured him. We then started to watch TV hang out and have fun when all of a sudden Soda noticed my tattoo. "When did you get that?" He asked pointing to my tattoo. "Today." I replied. He nodded then said "I like it." And Darry agreed with him. "Yeah I got it in honor of Johnny and Dally."

Then I stood up to go get a snack from the kitchen when I felt a pair of arm rap around my waist and pull me down onto the couch. I turned around and saw Dally. I kissed his cheek and said "I love you babe but I'm hungry."  He let go of me and I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed 4 cookies. I walked out to the living room sat on Dally's lap. I handed him two of the cookies. After we ate and watched TV for a while I got tired. I wrapped my arms around Dally's neck and fell asleep on his chest.

I woke up and tried to keep my eyes shut because I wanted to know what they were talking about. "Yeah we don't even know if she is our real sister." I heard Pony say. "I mean she looks a little like a combination of Mom and Pony." Soda said. "Hey what's that supposed to mean?!?" Pony asked. "Well I mean you are a mix of Mom and dad and she dose look like you." Darry relied. I didn't want to hear this any more. I can't believe they didn't believe I was there sister. I felt some one move my hair out of my face then I heard Dally say "She is so cute when she's asleep." Then he kissed my cheek and I felt like I was blushing but I really hope I wasn't. I started to flutter my eyes open and sit up. I looked at Dally and he had a huge smile on his face. "Hey babe." I said then kissed him on the lips. "I didn't know it was possible to blush in your sleep." He whispered in my ear. All I did was put my finger up to my lips to say don't tell. Then I turned around and screamed "I can't believe you don't believe me!" Then I ran to my room and slammed the door shut. Next thing I knew someone was rubbing my back. I leaned on the person's shoulder and hugged them and started to cry on them. I could tell it was Dally that I was hugging.

When I was finally done crying I looked up and shut and locked the door. I walked back over to the bed sat down and motioned for Dally to sit next to me. I kissed him. Then his kiss got deeper and more passionate. Next thing I knew he was on top of me. Then he licked the bottom of my lip and I let him in. It was weird to have his tongue roaming threw my mouth but I got over it. What was once a small kiss is now a heated make out. Suddenly he pushed away and we were both painting for air but we were both smiling. After we caught our breath we were back at it. The next time we stopped to catch our breath we ended up falling asleep on my bed cuddled together. He had his arms around my waist and I had mine around his neck. This had to be the best day in my life so far.

Long lost Curtis SisterWhere stories live. Discover now