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I woke up and Dally was up getting dressed. Ever since sence I announced I was pregnant he has been a lot more responsible. I don't think anyone told Pony and Johnny yet. I might tell them today. "Morning babe." He said kissing my forehead. "I'm gonna go job hunting today wanna come with or do you want me to drop you off at your house?" "Could ya drop me off at my house?" "Sure honey." He replied. Buck let us borrow his T-bird. When we got to my house he kissed me goodbye and I went inside. "Hey Johnny Pony come with me." I said as I walked in the door and to my room. "So did anyone tell you two my secret yet?" They both looked at eachother then shook there heads. "Well then I'm pregnant I'm surprised no one has told you in the past two weeks." "Two Weeks!" Pony screamed lifting up to reveal the small baby bump. "Who's the father?" Johnny whispered. "Well Johnny my man the father is Dally." They both looked shocked at first but then started to understand. "So that's why your so hungry lately." Pony said "And that's why Dally never has time to hang out any more. Like I was wondering why he was looking for jobs today." Johnny added in. Then we walked back out to the living room. I sat down on the couch and they sat next to me.

I was surprised they were so calm with this. Like the worst they did was Pony lifting up my shirt. "Hey Pony why did you shout 'Two weeks!' While you were in there?" Steve asked. "Because none of you told that Marie was pregnant turning the last two weeks." Pony replied. "Oh Johnny I forgot to tell you something. Last night were choosing names Dally said If it was a boy we could name it after someone in the gang. Maybe Jonathan. And I agreed with him so for a boy it is Jonathan and for a girl it is Jane." Johnny smiled "Thanks."

After a while everyone went home. I started to drift off on the couch when all of a sudden some one came in the door and fell to the ground. "Johnny man what's wrong?" "My dad he chased me this time you gotta hide me." "Go to Pony and Soda's room." He quick got up and ran and I layed down on the couch like it was a typical night. Then his dad burst threw the door. "Where is my son?!?" He screamed at me. "Sir I'm sorry but I'm the only one here my husband is at work and if you count me being two weeks-" but I was cut off by him punching me in the stomach. I pulled out my switchblade and screamed "I'm fucking pregnant and you just punched me in the stomach if this baby is dead I'm suing you now get the fuck out of my house!" I kept walking towards him and he kept backing up till he was out the door. Then I fell to the ground holding my stomach and dropping my switch blade. The boys quick rushed in Darry lifted me up and put me on the couch. "When Dal gets here we're going to the hospital." Darry said. I couldn't stand it I just held my stomach and cried. "What if the baby is dead?" I thought to my self many questions were flying threw my mind. Then Dally came threw the door and every one went and got in the truck. They layed me across everyone's laps and Johnny told Dally what happened. My stomach still hurt when we got to the hospital and I ment what I said if this baby is dead I will sue him for every last penny he had.

Long lost Curtis SisterWhere stories live. Discover now