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This is now a story about Lolly and Marie okay? Okay!

Lolly's POV

I woke up being shaken by someone. I was still wrapped in Pony's arms. The person then started to shake Pony and said "Hey guys breakfast is ready if you like it hot." Pony slowly opened his eyes and looked at me while the person left the room. Pony smiled then said "So um you drifted off last night before I could ask this but will be my girl?" I smiled pecked his lips and said "Meet me in the kitchen if you want to find out." I then jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen. Pony then walked out while I wasn't looking and from behind he wrapped his arms around my waist and I squealed. "So?" He asked. I shook my head then pointed to the gang out in the living room. Then I held up a finger to my lips as to say "Don't tell the gang." He shook his head and we went to eat.

Marie's POV

I was sitting in my room about to get dressed when I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and Lollypop was standing there. I let her in and she sat down on the bed. "Hey so um I don't know when we're gonna tell the gang but Pony said I could tell you. Pony and I are dating." I smiled and shook my head "My lips are sealed." Then I heard someone whisper outside the door and a voice crack. I opened the door and Pony fell to the floor. "Oh a fancy meeting you here." He said with his voice still cracking. Lolly then went over picked him up hugged him and said "You voice is adorable." He hugged her back then she pecked his lips and they went out to sit on the couch. The gang had just left to go play football so they were free to act all couple like.

I walked out to the living room and Lolly was sitting on Pony's lap. Then the whole gang launched threw the door. "Um?" Darry asked pointing at Lolly and Pony. They started to look at each other but luckily I am pretty good at lying "She's teasing him and won't let him get up. Oh and by the way why you back early?" "It's raining." Steve replied. I shook my head and looked out the window and realised it actually was raining great I was stuck in a house with these nut balls all day.

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