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I then pulled out my switchblade popped open the blade and held it do my left wrist right above my vein. I pulled it up and started to slowly move it closer to my skin. As I was about to touch my skin the door opened. I dropped the switchblade and ran to the person not knowing who it was.

I layed my head on there shoulder. It felt like Sodapop. I just kept crying and couldn't stop. He sat me down in the corner and went and picked up my switchblade. He closed it then shoved it in his pocket. He then went over to the closet and took the rest.

He went out to the kitchen and gave them all to Darry then came back to comfort me. He sat down next to me and pulled me close as I bawled my eyes out. When he left to go get Jonathan I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged them close.

I was afraid. Afraid for Dal. Afraid for Jonathan. Afraid for my brothers. But never did it cross my mind to be afraid for myself.

When Soda came back Jonathan was crying. I took him in my arms and watched as he slowly focused on me instead of crying. He soon fell asleep in my arms. When he was asleep I pulled up his shirt and saw the long scar down the right side of his body. I walked out to the kitchen.

"Guys we need to find Dal. I know we're risking lives but I can't let Jonathan grow up with out a dad." I said. They all shock there heads and half of them launched out the door while Soda decided to stay with me just in case the soc came back.

After about 2 hours the phone rang. Soda picked it up.

"Yeah this is Soda......But what about Marie and Jonathan?...Okay we're coming."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me out to Darry's truck. We started to drive at a really fast speed. He finally pulled up to s house on the west side.

There I saw the whole gang standing there. They moved out of the way and I saw a beaten Dal that was just laying there mouning.

Long lost Curtis SisterWhere stories live. Discover now