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The next when I woke up I was no longer wrapped in Dal's arms like I was last night when I fell asleep. I looked around the room and found a note on the night table. It read

"Dear Marie,
       I left for work I'll be home later tonight. Say Hi to the gang for me.
Dallas Winston"

I then went over to the crib and saw Jonathan was awake. I picked him up did everything that was needed for him then walked out to the living room. Pony was sitting on the couch with Lolly on him. Next to them was Two-Bit with Faith on his lap. Then there was good old Johnny on the floor. I sat in the arm chair as Steve walked in the door with a girl. She looked a little like him. She had brown hair that was up in high ponytail. She had green eyes with black glasses and was just beutiful (picture above). By height she looked about 14. "Hey guys. This is my kid sister, Alyssa." "Hi." We all said. "Well Alyssa I need to get to work get to know these guys." She was wearing jeans and a black tank top with a jean jacket over it. She smiled when she looked at Johnny because they were wearing almost the same outfit. When Steve left we all went around introducing ourselves. "Hi I'm Marie. This is Pony, Lolly, Keith." I said Keith laughing while Two-Bit screamed "Hey! They call me Two-Bit." "Yeah the girl on Two-Bit's lap is faith, the kid on the floor is Johnny, and well the baby in my arms is Jonathan." "Well you all know I'm Alyssa." She said then sat down next to Johnny. Johnny's face lit up with a smile as he looked at her.

I noticed he was staring at her. She looked over and notices him staring. Johnny looked down at his feet and started to blush. "Johnny were you staring at me?" Alyssa asked. Johnny didn't answer but his face turned even more red. Alyssa grabbed Johnny's hand and dragged him down the hall to Pony and Soda's room.

Alyssa's POV

"Johnny answer me." I said sternly. He just kept looking at his feet. I gently grabbed his chin and lifted up his head. I looked into his sweet puppy dog eyes. I then closed my eyes leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back. After about one minute we pulled apart. That kiss was passionate and magical. "Um Alyssa will you be my g-" "Yes!" I said cutting him off.

Long lost Curtis SisterWhere stories live. Discover now