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I woke up with Dally next to me I snuggled close to him and fell back asleep.

I woke up what felt like a few hours later to Dally shaking me. "Hey it's 12:00 you wanna come get some lunch with me?" He asked. I shook my head and we stood up. I walked out to the kitchen and started to look threw the fridge for some food. Then I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I head lean on my shoulder. Assuming it was Dally I kissed his cheek. "EW!" Someone screamed and let go of me. I turned around and saw Steve. "Oh nasty!" I screamed then went over to the sink drank some water gurgled it and spit it Dally walked in and said "What's wrong?" "SHE KISSED ME!" Steve screamed. "Look Dal I thought he was you he wrapped his arms around my waist So I thought he was you." Dally shook his head said "Okay." Then I went over to the counter to make a sandwich. I felt a pair of arm wrap around my waist so I turned around to make sure it was not Steve. I saw Dally and gave him the biggest smile. I then pecked his lips and went back to making my sandwich.

Then Pony walked in. "Hey g-guys." He said his voice cracking half way threw. "Hey Pony nice voice." I said. He frowned and looked at the ground "I'm just kidding I think it's cute." I said. Then Dally walked over and patted him on the back and said "Don't worry man it happened to all of us." Pony shook his head then went back to his room. "I have a feeling he plans on not talking until that stops." Dal said "I mean I tried that but I gave up after two days." "Hey anyone seen Darry or Soda?" I asked "Yeah." they both said from the living room. I walked out and asked "Have you given Pony the talk yet?" They looked at each other Soda said "No. We agreed we would do it when he got his first girlfriend." "Well have ya heard his voice lately?" I asked. "No." Darry replied. "Then go talk to him." Soda and Darry both got up and went to Pony's room.

~45 minutes later~

"Freedom!" I heard Pony shout with his voice cracking again. He came running out to the couch and sat next to me. He punched me in the arm and said "Why did you tell them to do that?" I then messed up his hair and said "Aw what did thay do to you?" He gave me a fake smile then said "I'm gonna go take a walk in the park ALONE." "Got your blade?" I asked he shook his head Then left.

Long lost Curtis SisterWhere stories live. Discover now