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It has been two weeks and I'm starting to get a small baby bump. You can't really see it unless I lift up my shirt. I was walking to bucks bar to meet up with Dally. I walked threw the bar and up the stairs. I knocked on the door and he screamed "Who is it?!?" "The love of your life!" I screamed back and he opened the door. You always have to be careful here sometimes drunk people will walk up stairs and just walk into a room. I walked in and he said "Let me see." I lifted up my shirt and he started to kiss my stomach. I couldn't help but giggle. I can't wait for this baby to be born Dallas is going to be a such good father. He kept kissing my stomach and I kept laughing until I finally got the words and said "Hey my lips are up here." He then stood up and kissed me. The kiss lasted about 30 seconds then I sat down on the bed. We keep switching staying at houses. Tonight I was staying at Dal's place. "So did we chose out names yet?" He asked sitting next me and putting his hand on my knee. "No you got any ideas?" I asked him. "Well I was thinking if it was a boy then we could name it after some one in the gang. Maybe Jonathan." He said. "I like that." I replied then kissed his cheek. He then bent over to my stomach and said "Hear that baby Jonathan or is the music to loud?" I laughed and he sat back up and put his hand back on my knee. He smiled and said "You know you are the first girl that took the time to get to know me." I smiled and said "I know Dal." He then put his hand on my stomach and asked "Is it old enough to kick yet?" I smiled and shook my head. "No but when it does I will tell you." He took his hand away and put his around my waist "So for a girls name?" He asked. "Well there was this one girl I was friends with at the girls home but she got adopted before I left. Her name was Jane." He smile and said "Oh I like that name."

"Hey you got any food?" I asked. "Well are craving anything specific?" He asked me. "I sort of want grapes." I told him. He then walked over to the mini fridge grabbed a bag and walked over to me. I flopped down on the bed so I was now laying down. I went to grab some grapes when Dally blocked my hand and started to feed me. He fed me 3 grapes before I broke out laughing. He then stopped feeding me and we both snacked on grapes. Then he layed down and I crawled on top of him and layed my ear against his chest and listened to his heart beat. Then I rolled over to my side of the bed and fell asleep.

Long lost Curtis SisterWhere stories live. Discover now