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I was sitting in the living room when I heard Pony scream. I quick ran to Dally and said "You need to go help Pony I think he got jupmed!" Everyone else heard me to and went rushing to him. I would have gone but you know pregnant. I walked out front to watch. I saw a bunch of socs quick run to there car and I saw Darry pick up Pony. And then Pony helped up someone. It was a...... girl? As they walked closer I saw it was a girl. She had long blonde hair, and full out bangs, she had blue eyes that had a caring look in them. I wonder who she is.

When she got up to me she held out her hand and said "Hi I'm Lollypop but you can call me Lolly." I shook her hand and said "Hi I'm Marie. Pony's sister." She looked over at Pony and said "You didn't say anything about a sister." He looked away from his conversation with the boys and said "I was about to but then we got jumped. Oh yeah Darry she needs a place to stay can she stay here?" Darry thought for a second then said "Yeah but we're gonna treat you like a lady. Soda are you okay with sleeping on the couch?" "Yeah." Soda replied.

Later that night Lollypop came into my room. "Hey I need some clothes and Pony told me to come ask you." I realised she can be shy and confident whenever she wants. I tossed her an old t-shirt and a pair of athletic shorts. She then left to go to the bathroom to change while Dally came in and we went to sleep.

Lollypop's POV

I changed into the clothes Marie lent me then went to Pony's room. He was already in bed staring at the ceiling. When I closed the door he quick turned to look at me. "Hey Lolly." He said as a smile spread across his face. I pulled down the sheet and layed down. I shivered. "Ya cold?" Pony asked. "A little." I told him. He rolled over and put his arm around me like my mom used to do before she died. I started to tear up and I guess Pony noticed because he asked "What's wrong?" "My mom. She would do that when my dad wouldn't let him sleep in the bed. She would come sleep with me and wrap her arm around me." I was crying really hard now. He pulled me close to him and I started to cry on his chest. After I was done crying I looked up pecked his lips and said "Thank you Pony and I love you." He was still holding me and as I drifted off I heard him say "I love you to."

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