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Marie's POV

It is now 2:53. Dally and I are waiting in a lobby. We wait for about 5 more minutes then a doctor walks out and asks "Marie Curtis?" Dally and I both stood up and followed the doctor to a room. I layed down on the bed where the doctor pulled up my shirt and squeezed the goo on to my stomach. I looked up at the screen to see the picture. I saw a small shape and for a second my heart stopped. I smiled from ear to ear. I looked over at Dally and he was doing the same as me. I reached out and held his hand. Then the doctor asked "Would you like to know the gender?" Dally and I both shook our heads and he told us "It's a boy." I felt my smile get wider as the doctor wiped off my stomach. When he was done I launch up and hugged Dally. Then he stood me up and we walked out together. When we got out to the car Dally leaned over to my stomach and said "We love you Jonathan." He then kissed my cheek and started the car.

When we got to the house the whole gang stared at Dally and I. I stood there for a second then said "Party tonight to find out. Oh and by the way Two-Bit no bear." "What? Why? That's no fair!" Two-Bit whined but I just ignored him and went to make the cake for tonight. I made a two layer chocolate cake and in between the two layers I put blue icing but I felt like it needed something more. "Hey Dally guard the cake while I go out to the grocery store." I said then walked out to my car. But then Lolly came rushing out. "I'm coming with you." She said getting into the truck. It's not like she is gonna find out.

I walk into the store with Lolly trailing me I grab two candles. A Mickey mouse and a mini mouse. These are the make up for taking beer away from Two-Bit.

We got home and I added the candles to the cake. Then I waited for 9:00. It was pretty hard to keep Steve off the cake but I succeeded.

The whole gang gathered in the kitchen and voted and what they wanted (boy or girl) most of the votes were girl. Then I handed Darry, Soda, and Pony to cut the cake. They all cut at the same time and pulled out to see the blue. They all ran over and hugged me. Then I heard a whisper. I looked up and saw Johnny talking to Dally. "So Jonathan?" Johnny asked. Dally shook his head then said "Yeah little buddy Jonathan." Johnny smiled and then the whole gang came over and swallowed me in a big hug. Eventually they let go. We had fun the rest of the night. Two-Bit searched the whole house for bear. He found it but only drank half the bottle. Then as they were all leaving he stole the candles. I love it how we all stick together like this.

Long lost Curtis SisterWhere stories live. Discover now