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We were walking home hand in hand at the end of a perfect night when all of a sudden a  blue mustang pulled up. I had seen these boys before but I didn't know where. Oh right they were in the news paper multiple times. They started to hop out and circle us like an eagle preparing to swoop in. Then Dally said "You better watch it." Then the one in the front said "Oh look guys. Looks like i found myself a new punching bag and sex toy." He said looking at us. Then Dally whispered something in my ear. I then heard the breaking of glass and quick punch the leader soc in the nose. He fell to the ground and then Dally picked him by the collar of his shirt and held a broken bottle to his neck. "No I think I found MY new punching bag and I don't really need a sex toy. Now you ready to go home Randy?" Dally said very confident. Then Randy got in his car and all the other socs followed. I high fived Dally and we continued to walk home.

When we go to the house he kissed me on the cheek and said "Good night I'll see you in the morning." I smiled and said "Goodnight Dal." Then I walked inside. Right when I walked threw the door all three boys stared at me like I had hermit crabs crawling out my eyes and ears. "How was your date?" Darry asked breaking the silence. "Fine." I replied. "So nothing dirty came from Dal?" Pony asked. I got sort of mad then. They were treating me like I was there 5 year old sister. "Why do you care! I'm not 5 I can take care of my self!" I yelled. Pony looked shocked, Soda looked scared, and Darry looked mad. "Guys I didn't mean it like that I just ment that Dal well he was looking for a girl who would respect him as a human being and not expect a make out session by then end of the night. So no nothing bad happened Dal was an angle the only bad thing was that we got jumped but we worked together and beat them off." All the boys shook there heads and I went to my room to go to bed.

Long lost Curtis SisterWhere stories live. Discover now