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The next morning I woke up and got dressed. Then I walked out to the living room in a nice sun dress and asked "Anyone going to church with me?" They all looked at each other then Pony and Johnny quick hopped up and said "We'll go!" In unison. I smiled and they followed me out to the car. We got there and sat in the back row of pews and I found it pretty cool that Pony and Johnny were actually getting something out of the sermon. When we left the church I asked "Have you two been to church before?" They nodded and Pony told me the whole story about Soda and Steve at church.

When we got home Dally was there. I sat on his lap and said "Good job last night-" but I was cut off by Darry screaming "What the fuck!" "Darrel slow down you didn't let me finish. Good job last night getting rid of those socs." The whole gang looked at us confused so I said "We got jumped last night he said that Dal would be his new punching bag and I would be his new sex toy but Dally scared him off." They all shook there heads and I went to change out of my dress. I put on a plain blue sweat shirt and blue jeans.

I walked out and sat next to Dally and he put his arm around my shoulder. Darry gave us a nasty look but I just returned the favor and he stopped. While we were watching TV Dally randomly kissed my cheek. I felt my face heat up. I'm pretty sure I was as red as a tomato. "Oh wow what happened to making out and no cheek kissing?" Two-Bit asked. "I'm changing." Dally said. I smiled and kissed his lips. He had a smile from ear to ear. Then the gang started to tease us saying things like "When's the wedding?" So I grabbed his hand and dragged him out to the porch. I started to kiss him and he kissed me back. Suddenly his kiss became deeper and more passionate. We kept kissing then I heard a familiar voice say behind me "I thought humans need air." It was Two-Bit. I just reached behind me and flipped him off then threw my arm back around Dal's neck. Then Two-Bit walked inside so we stopped and leaned our foreheads together painting for air. After I caught my breath I kissed his cheek and I said "I love you babe." He smiled and said "Love you too." I stood up and he put his arm around my waist and we walked inside.

Long lost Curtis SisterWhere stories live. Discover now