Trouble on the High Seas

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It was a dark night. Thousands of stars shone brightly in the night sky over a vast empty ocean.

The only thing in the vast ocean was a ship.

The night was peaceful and the only noise came from the ships engine.

Leon lay on a stretcher in his cabin, he had one roommate and he was snoring loudly.

Leon's accommodation wasn't so great. The room had a small window overlooking the ocean.

There were too stretchers a small table and a fridge, the fridge didn't contain much a except for few bottles of water.

Leon sat on his stretcher leaning against the wall, moonlight flooded in through the window and over his hair.

The ship was supposed to be taking roughly two weeks to get the island.

It was the same night that the ship had left port and everyone had been shown their rooms then wondered around seeing friends, all the Blanks had hung around with each other, except Leon.

He had stayed in his room all evening and didn't want to go anywhere.

Leon wondered what Colin and Blair had done all evening, had they gone looking for him? Had they just spent time with each other not giving a thought for Leon? Or had they made new friends of their own magic order? Either way Leon wondered what it would be like for them maintaining their friendship with the pressure of all the different magic houses, would his friends abandon him? No he didn't think so he had known them for far too long, and they would always be his friend.

Leon heard footsteps outside the door and they snapped him out of his train of thought.

'What?' He whispered.

'Everyone should be in their rooms.'

Leon slowly moved to his feet and he crept over toward the door.

He heard the footsteps again, light steps but the person wasn't attempting to creep around.

Leon pressed his ear against the door and his hand grasped the door handle.

Now he could hear breathing, light breaths, it was a girl.

'There's no way to tell if they are a powerful Magic or not, I can't sense mana!' Leon whispered again.

'Screw this.' He growled.

Leon roughly twisted the handle, flung the door open and shot outside.

'What do you think you're ah-' Leon had been serious but he just flew straight in the wall opposite him and slammed onto the ground.

When Leon regained his focus Alexandra was leaning over him.

'What are you doing down there?' Alexandra asked.

'What are you doing out here?'

'No, no I asked you first silly'

'I heard you outside my room. Were you looking for me?'

'Nope, I just went for a walk, and then I don't know I just stopped here. Ohh and there were a Red and a Green Magic looking for you in the afternoon.'

Leon felt relieved, his friends wouldn't leave him.

'Well I'm not really tired, do you want come for walk?' Alexandra asked

'Sure, that would be nice.'

Alexandra and Leon where on the deck; they stood at the front of the Ship facing the starry horizon.

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