A Duel at Magic Academy

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Leon awoke in the med bay of the ship. Drowsily he glanced back and forth. Yawning, he stretched up now looking at the wall. The first thing he really noticed was Colin asleep on the couch across from him and Blaine hunched over sleeping on a chair.
Leon yawned loudly and he heard a mumble below him. Glancing down he noticed Alexandra, her head rested on the mattress just next to his leg.
She woke up blinking a few times and looked at Leon.
'Oh you're awake.' She spoke. 'You had us all worried, after what Edward did your face was bruised and bleeding; it took some convincing to get you in here, well with allot of the people not caring about blanks. . .'
'Thanks I appreciate it allot.' Leon said smiling.

The moon came out from behind the clouds casting a soft white light over Leon's face.
Alexandra's expression turned to surprise as she noticed Leon's cuts had healed and his bruises were nearly gone.
'How did your cuts and bruises heal so quickly?' Alexandra said in a loud whisper.
Leon traced along where his cuts had been with his fingers, no pain. And he only felt a small amount of pain from one bruise.
'I'm not sure.' He answered confused.
'Well at least it's nice to see your getting better.' Alexandra smiled standing up.
'I better go back to my room and get some sleep.' Alexandra bent down and giggled. 'Don't go hurting that pretty face of yours.' Then she left.
Leon fell backwards and almost straight to sleep.

Hours later Leon awoke to Collin and Blaine Shaking his shoulders.
'Wake up. Wake up, wake up.' They repeated laughing.
Finally with a reluctant groan Leon sat up rubbing his eyes.
'What is it?' He asked.
'We arrived at the island today!' Collin exclaimed ecstatically.
'So be ready in an hour or we will leave you behind!' Blaine laughed as he and Collin ran out of the room.
'Hey guys wait!'

It wasn't long before Leon had gotten back to his room, packed the last of his things and was on his way. He couldn't help but feel as though he would never miss this place but he found himself not wanting to leave. Perhaps it was the thought of having to deal with Edward at school, or just what he felt was in store for him when he finally reached school. But in the end Leon knew that he had to leave for school, eventually he would have to face Edward but he knew that there wasn't much reason to be afraid, and so he left to the holding area.

Almost all the students were there, just a few missing that Leon had walked past on his way.
Leon shuffled through the crowd of Magic's until finally he found the Blank teacher.
'Am I meant to be with you sir?' He asked.
'Oh your Leon aren't you? Yes you are so just stay nearby we will be docking soon I do expect the other Blanks to find me quickly enough.' He answered.
It was as if saying this alerted all the Blanks to their teacher straight away one by one they shuffled through the crowd until their group was full, not long after it seemed as though all the Magics were in their right houses.

The ship stopped quickly as it pulled in at the docks on the southern port of the island that the school resided on.
The docks were a part of a somewhat large town, most of the buildings only houses but there was a church and a few tall buildings in the town square.
The high level houses left the ship first; Red, Yellow and Gold, followed by colours like Green and Orange. Last few lower colour Magics and finally the Blanks and Leon.

When all the Magics had shuffled down to the end of the docks they melded into a mass of students and the house colours became mixed again.
Leon managed to make it through the crowed and find Collin and Blaine. Everyone glanced around the town as they walked up a narrow hill.
The houses were made out of stone and wood. They looked somewhat old, perhaps a few hundred years maybe. Leon guessed that this island and maybe even the school were very old.
When finally the mass of students reached the edge of the town they noticed a forest in front of them but a path leading through it.
With a teacher at lead the students were lead through a wide path that eventually broke out into a large clearing.
Inside the clearing there was a large building, at the centre of this building stood a large stone tower.

Leon glanced around noticing that there were smaller buildings in the clearing too find that there were smaller buildings scattered throughout the clearing and a path that lead off back into the forest.
Each building in this clearing was made from stone and the stone was painted different colours to represent different houses except the main building and tower while looking much older that the rest of the buildings maintained its materials natural colours and was barely even painted.
A teacher at the front of the group stepped out in front of everyone and announced.
'To all students, the buildings you see around me are the dorms of each magic class present this year. Each dorm is made hold one hundred people and the main building you see behind me is the school.'

Leon glanced around and couldn't find the dorms for Red, Yellow or Gold; even the blanks dorms were missing.
'Where are the blanks meant to stay?' Leon whispered.
'I hear that they have a dorm in the forest and Gold, Red and Yellow do too.' Blain whispered back.
'If you would please follow me to the schools courtyard we will begin explaining rules.' The teacher spoke.

The mass of students walked the last stretch to the school and when in the courtyard all noticed the true age of their new school.
The inner part of a school looked like the courtyard of a castle. Marble columns held up roofs and small stones paved a large round courtyard.
At the centre of the courtyard stood an old man, maybe in his early eighties. He wore long grey robes.
When all the students were in the courtyard he spoke.
'Good day to you all. As you all know you have been hand selected to become true Magics, the Magics with masters of their abilities. However not all of you shall remain here for the full time of your education. At the end of each term we shall send home the lowest graded students from each house, approximately one hundred of you shall be sent home by terms end and another hundred the following. Now keep in mind that sub colours of the Magic tribes shall be living with their main branch in the same dorms. These dorms are named after the main colours of your Magic tribes. Now above all else I do not support conflict in these halls among students, if you have an issue with a fellow student please take it up here with the supervision of teachers, these are Magic duels and while Magic weapons are allowed there is to be no killing of your opponent.'

A gold Magic boy stepped out from the crowd and shouted 'I challenge Leon of the Blank house!'
Leon, Blaine and Collin were shocked.
'What?' Leon said shocked under his breath.
'You can't demand that!' A female gold Magic shouted.
It took Leon a moment to realise that the two Magics were Edward and Alexandra.
'You can't just challenge Leon because you hate-' Alexandra was interrupted by the old man.
'At the beginning of each school year it is usually customary for there to be a duel between one Magic house and another. There is no rule stating that the two combatants of this duel are not allowed to be students. In fact so long as the two combatants volunteer there is nothing to stop them.'
Leon stepped out from the crowd with Blaine and Collin trailing behind him.
'I accept the challenge!' Leon shouted.
'But Leon he will beat you.' Alexandra said shouting as she ran to Leon.
'Don't worry.' Leon smiled. 'I have no intention of losing.'

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