Chapter Forty-Eight

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I looked at him happily, but I could see something is bothering him as his eyes never lie. We said our vows and still Bryan looks so occupied with thoughts.

"Do you Celina Hope Summers, take Bryan Johnathan Apple as your lawfully wedded husband?", asked the minister.

"I do." , I answered with a huge smile on my face.

"And do you, Bryan Johnathan Apple take Celina Hope Summers as your lawfully wedded wife?"

I smiled as I looked at him, but the moment I saw his face..... my smile faded.


"No..", he said.

I could hear all the gasps coming from the crowd. My eyes searched wildly for his, but he kept avoiding my gaze.

"What are you doing, Bryan?", a voice from the crowd brought both our attentions to the crowd. It was Jane. Jane? What is she doing?

Bryan practically ran to her and hugged her, "I love you..", he said to her. She had a look on her face, it's not happiness, nor is it sadness, it's not the "what-the-heck-are-you-doing" face, it's more of the "it-hurts-but-I-gotta-let-you-go" face. I don't know what to do or how to react, my supposed husband...hugging and telling my best friend that he loves her in our wedding.

Hot tears spring out from my eyes as my brain slowly absorbed the situation. What is happening?

"You cant, Bryan. We don't belong together..." , Jane said as she began to tear up.

"Bryan? Do you want to be with her?", I managed to croak out, as tears continued to flow down my cheek. I'm silently hoping he would tell me that he's just joking.. that this was all a prank.. a joke.. something.. just not the truth.

He turned around and for the first time today, I actually saw his eyes. It was obvious enough, he didn't even need to said anything... he does.

He nodded in response.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and released it. I brought my eyes back to him, "Then I wish you all the happiness in the world.".

I grabbed the front of my wedding dress and ran out the door. I have no idea where I was running to, but I just kept running and running as fast as I can. And as I ran, I heard Storm calling me from behind, I could hear him chasing after me.

I managed to get to this lake in the forest. It was huge, the water was so clean and pure that you can see everything beneath the water. With huge rocks surrounding the shore, I decided that it was safe enough for me to rest in. I let my back slide down against the rock as I sat down, ignoring the dirt that began to cling onto my dress and hand. I buried my head in my arms as I began crying.

It all made sense now.

When he blushed last time when he looped me and Jane's arms with his , he was not blushing because he had me in my arms, he blushed because he had Jane.(Chapter 43)

When Jane looked so sad when I told her I liked Bryan... She already liked him. (Chapter 44)

Aren't weddings suppose to be the happiest day of your life?

Then I felt a warm hand placed on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Storm looking down at me, his all-too-familiar deep blue eyes were filled with concern and the warmth that he once had. He didn't say anything.. He didn't need to. I don't want his sympathy, I don't want to listen to anything he says, I don't need to be reminded of what just happened. I just don't.

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