Chapter Five

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Ignoring whatever that just happened, I tried changing the topic before he could laugh at me once more, "Where's Chris? Isn't he driving me home?". Ken noticed that I've change the topic but decided to play along, "He's playing the guitar at the garden, he wanted to leave but then there's this hot brunette that came along and decided to sit next to him to 'learn' how to play. Knowing your brother, he's probably spend the day going to the park with her or something. So I decided to bring you out for some food.".The word 'food' struck me like lightning. I'm sooo hungry!!! I didn't care of what I'm going to do next, I just needed food. "Ok great!! Let's go get some food! I'm starving!!" I pulled Ken's hand and started dragging him out of school, not even bothering to take the car. I feel so dumb! Driving would totally be faster than walking!

Ken suddenly stopped. I turned around, finding him smiling to me like he was crazy. "Uhh..Ken??" I said waving my arms in front of his eyes. Ken was still smiling at me, not even knowing what happened, I start to blush. I never blush! lie. I ALWAYS blush. Even when I once sneezed in a very quiet room made me blush. Wow, blushing has really been part of my life for quite a while. Who knew. I let go of Ken's hand so that I can cover my hot cheeks, my hands get cold when I hold something and I have no idea why, so I just cup my own face with my cold hands, it totally cooled me down. I looked up when I can feel my cheeks return to normal. Ken was totally holding back a laugh. What the heck is wrong with this dude?! I will not just stand there, I'm hungry!! "Ken! Why in the world are you looking at me while smiling?!". He let out a sigh and shook his head, "Do you even know where you're going?". Oh...that's why he was looking at me, I was heading straight into a police station. I guess hungry people can't lead, but of all places, why a police station?!

I turned around back to Ken,"oh...hehehehe...I'm sorry..I'm just REALLY hungry..I can't really think straight.", I pouted and gave him one of my puppy face. He wasn't looking at me. Darn! Fine, since I am hungry, and I'm getting lazy to walk..I walked the other direction and began to run. Ken didn't know what was going to happen. When I ran far enough, I pretend to twist my ankle and fell on the ground. I can hear Ken running to me from a distance. I looked up to him with my eyes full of fake tears and pointed to my ankle, "Ouch, I think I twisted it.". Ken was seriously worried, he scanned my face to see if I was joking, but I'm not going to give up. I still had this very sad face on. He wiped away my tears that was running down my cheeks, due to my 'pain'. He lifted me off my feet, like some dude will do to his wife when they get married, you know, the bridal style. I was still 'crying' and decided to make it look more real. I shouted in pain. Ken quickly looked shock as if he has hurt me. I clench my teeth together and squeeze my eyes shut, "Urgh..ouch that hurts. Erm. Ken? Can you just go to that Mc Donalds and lay me down there? I really just want to sit.". He just nodded and practically ran to the Mc Donalds across the streets and went in to the restaurant and gently put me down on a chair. He didn't even sit down and went behind me, suprising me with a tickle. I totally screamed out loud and quickly covered my mouth. I turned around angrily, "What was that for?!". "Prove."

"What prove?".

He didn't bother to answer, he went to get me a sundae cone and sat opposite of me. I just stared at him. Ken's face suddenly lighted up, like he just remembered something, "So how's your ankle?". I don't feel like lying to him, "Err..I..I actually..."

"You were faking it..I know, I know"

My eyes went wide, "Really? How did you know?"

"Please, I've known you for like 5 years, what makes you think I didn't know?"

"Then why did you even carry me all the way here, if you know I was faking it? HA! You're lying!", I stuck my tongue out.

"Because I wanted to, I don't want you to walk anyway, this was the best way to let me get close to you. I love holding you so close to me."

I rolled my eyes, but I can feel a blush creeping into my face.

Author's Note :

Awww...isn't he just sweet?

Anyone thinks that he has a crush on Celina? Comment to let me know~ ^^

What you say helps! =]




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