Chapter Seventeen

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Short recap :

Dad gave a nervous chuckle. No....f-fing...way....

"Well, huh...yeaaa...we're leaving tonight at 11...."



We we're dismissed to go do our packing and say our goodbyes to our friends. I texted Jenny and Ken telling them about the news. Both we're shocked, but I told them I don't really want to see them. Because that will make me miss them even more.

I was in my room, hands on my hips and staring at my closet. Gosh. What do I wear to places like that? I don't want to seem to American-ish, yet I don't really want to be looking like I'm some cow girl that talks funny all the time. Though I really like doing voice impressions of all sorts of countries' accents, talking all country is reeaaaalllllyyyyyyyy  hard. I mean, I don't really want to be seen as trying to hard.

I shook that out of my head, I'm not going to care what other people think of me, probably because I'm not planning on showing my face to people. School? Well, I can homeschool. I mean, my mom was a qualified high school and college teacher, but she stopped working the moment she had Chris in her tummy. Gosh, sacrifices parents make just for us.

A little sound of a duck quacking kind of snapped me out of my trance, its my clock. It always quacks when an hour passed. I looked at the clock and saw that it's just 2 in the afternoon, but seeming like I tend to talk to myself alot, I'd better get packing before I get distracted and talk to myself again. I made a simple conclusion, based from watching those southern style movies. Its mostly girls wearing shorts, boots, checked shirts, hair tied up in pleats, wearing a big hat over their head..its a simple combination, but there's a problem. I DONT HAVE THAT MANY SHORTS AND CHECKED SHIRTS!!

And I am definately not gonna wear the same outfit everyday. I sighed, pulling out all the shorts I own and those checked shirts. But then again, its better I just grab everything I have in my closet and dump it in all the luggages I have. Its not like dad was paying for those extra bag charges.

I looked at the time. 3o'clock. Hrm. I have alot of time to kill. Maybe it wouldn't hurt for me to just give a visit to Jenny. After all, we really haven't been hanging out that often since I got together with Ken. Since Jenny's house is like a few minutes walk, I decided to just walk there without giving her a call, at a time like this, she might just be reading her favourite novel in her room.

I went out and started walking towards Jenny's house direction. At the same time, fantasizing about how it would be like to be there. Oh gosh. Its bad. Man! I shouldn't have fantasized about it! It just minused the points of going there! Ok fine. Just shut your brain and keep walking.

It didn't take long for me to reach Jenny's place. I was a little taken back to see Ken's car parked outside her house. I was walking to her porch when I heard two familiar voices talking. I think it came from her backyard. I tip toed my way to the side of Jenny's house and silently made my way closer to the backyard just enough for me to listen to Jenny and Ken talking.

"...she's's only gonna be me and you babe." ,Jenny said..all a sudden sounding really flirty.

"Yeah, just you and me. I didn't get why I never laid my eyes on you before. You're way hotter than Celina. *Chuckles* smarter than her too.", Ken said.

"'s not her fault she's stupid. She's my friend anyway, so how about you don't get mad at her?"

"How about you make me?", Ken said , saying it with some other hidden meaning towards it.

Jenny made a giggle, from what I'm hearing, it should be called the 'bitch laugh'. " about I let you suck both my nipples this time?". WHAT?! THIS TIME?! I feel my anger boiling up inside of me. That bitch! This time? She did it before?? What the heck is wrong with my this girl?! More importantly, why is Ken doing this to me?!

"Don't you think that's a little selfish? I mean, I've let you suck my dick to whole night before you let me suck only one side of your nipple. That's not fair babe." , OH..MY...GOSH.. I was at the point of running towards them just to puke on them. How in the world could they do this to me?! I mean! Come on! I've known them for 13years!! Isn't that long enough to make sure they won't do such thing to me?!

I feel tears streaming down my cheeks, but I wiped them off quickly. I'm not going to cry over this. Without noticing what I was doing, I actually walked up to them. They both looked shocked. My face was tight as I'm trying my best not to best the crap out of the two of them. I've taken self defense classes since I was 5. So I know where to hit someone that could paralyze them forever, cause them pain that is worse than pouring acid on a fresh deep wound, or even kill them.

"Jen's smarter than me huh?", I faked a short laugh. "Well, well, well. Two of the most important people in my life ganged up against me. Care to explain why?".

Jenny walked right in front of me. "I'm important? Are you sure?". What is she trying to say? Of course she's important! I've known her for so long. It's impossible she thinks that she isn't important to me! "What do you mean?" , I asked, rather stupidly I might say.

"Ever since you got together with Ken, you're not the same anymore! You ignored me most of the times! Even when you do talk to me, you talk about Ken! It's only him! Where's the time when we would talk about everything else but guys? Do you even know my parents are getting divorced?!". I was speechless at that point. Is it true? Was I blinded so much that I didn't even bother talking to my closest friend? I looked up to Jen. She was crying. Oh gosh that broke my heart.

"I...I.......", I stuttered. I don't know what to say. What can I say? Its my fault!

"See..that's what I thought. You've changed Celina. So to let you feel the feeling of being left out, I went to seduce Ken. Who knew this boy that claims to 'love' you, could fall so easily for me just cause I stripped naked in front of him.".

I closed my eyes shut and turned my head to the left. I can't believe I'm listening to this.

"Well then, I hope you two can f yourselfs up until you die. Bye."

With that, I walked back to my home. Not even crying. Gosh, if they could do this without feeling shame. I'm not going to cry because of this.

By the time I got home, its around 4o'clock. Seeing as I have nothing else to do, I went up to my room and went to bed. 'I'm not going to cry for them. I'm not going to cry for them' , I kept saying this to myself until I fell asleep.

A/N :

Oooooo..was this expected?? Hope not.. Decided that just that normal lovey-dovey thingy is just to mainstream. =D

Ok..right now, I'm seriously hating Ken and Jenny now. It kind of makes my hands and brains feel sick just typing and thinking about these. Sorry if it's too dirty.. I mean, what can I say? I'm writing this from the point of view of a bitch. So, I'm guessing they're like super open and very bitchy?? Yes? No?

Don't mean to offend anyone if I did. My apologies!!

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Lina~ =D

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