Chapter Nineteen

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S/R :

He turned around to look at me and said, "Hey, name's Ken.". STUPID!! Couldn't I do something that doesn't remind me of Ken?! I masked my anger with a friendly smile, "Nice to meet you, I'm Celina." .


"...Ok ok!! And then that was when I thought it was a good idea to have this 'brain freeze contest' with my buddy. So we both bought this really big ice cream in a box thingy and counted to three. The rules were simple : Who gets brain freeze the when I reached number three, both of us practically started dumping our heads into that ice cream box, eating any ice cream me that is in our path. It didn't take long for my buddy to get brain freeze, and though I already know I lost, I just wanted to finish this off. So i kept eating and eating and eating..but nothing happened.." Ken was laughing harder than he was before.."So that is when I doubted the existense of my brain.."..the both of us bursted out in laughter, causing most of the business people to wake up.

It was easy talking with Ken. He was really just this stupid guy that likes to talk alot. I've been spending like more than an hour just debating with him about stupid stuff like is a teddy bear nice to hug or could a chicken walk backwards and stuff.

 From all the laughing, I looked out of the window to calm myself down. I let out a small gasp as I saw the stunning view. Yeah, we're in the air and there are like a lot of clouds, but the sky seems was a bird flying by the side of the plane and I couldn't help but to make silly faces to scare it off. It didn't seem to care, but continued flying. As it was flying, I soon see another bird came to fly by its side. Together, I saw them soar through the skies, how lovely.

"Gosh, the view is stunning Ken. I mean look at those clouds! How the stars and the moon light up the night sky" I turned to look at Ken, he was smiling at him. I can't help to smile back, "You're beautiful, Celina.". I was shocked. I mean..errr...beautiful is a strong word, not hot, not cute, not sexy...but beautiful. I smiled shyly at Ken, not really knowing how could I respond. I tried looking down but there was something about those hazel brown eyes that seems to make me feel so lost when I look into them, "Thank you..really..." ,I laughed softly, "no one has ever called me beautiful.."..well...except my mom..but it doesn't count! She's my mom!!

Ken looked at me and his smile just grew bigger, "Then those people are stupid.". My smile grew wider as I continue to look into Ken's eyes. He reached his hand out and took mine, I looked up to see him smiling widely at me and then I looked down to our hands, Ken is really a gentleman..prove? He didn't take advantage to kiss me, not like what most guys would do after telling a girl something sweet, you know..those sweet talkers that say stuff girls like to hear just to get into their pants?? And that got me thinking...thinking would it be weird that if we can be an item? But then again..we're on a plane. Meaning we're leaving somewhere, to go somewhere. I really doubt long distance relationships work out.

Ken pulled his hand away and I snapped out of my deep thought, "Sorry..I didn't mean to scare you...", I quickly shushed him and went to take his hand again, "No! No..its fine.", I looked up to him, smiling.

I sat further back in my seat, "So..Ken?" .."Hmmm?".. "'re on a planeeee.."..judging by the look of Ken's face, I was pretty sure he wasn't sure where is this heading, but slowly nodded anyway. " are you going to??".."I'm not really parents wanted a break so they dragged me along, but wouldnt tell me where we're going, believe it or not, I was blindfolded all the way in here."..Woooaaaahhhhh...weird parents.."'re ok with it?", I asked, not really believing this..what happened to human rights??

Ken shrugged, he was about to say something, but I got really tired and found myself a comfortable spot on Ken's shoulder. I yawned and right before I fell asleep I heard Ken said something like, "...glad, cuz I met you..."


My eyes slowly open as I think I heard something about seatbelts, I sat up straight and looked at Ken who was staring at me. I suddenly felt self consious and started fixing my hair and stuff. After I think I'm presentable enough, I looked back to Ken, he was still smiling, "What?", I asked. "Oh nothing, just feels great to have you waking beside me.", he said smiling. I smiled back at him, he is such a sweetie.

"Oh ya..I think I heard something about seatbelts in my sleep?", I asked as I rubbed my eyes sleepily. "Ya, they said we're landing about 15minutes, so it is advisable for us to put on our seatbelts soon.". Gosh...15minutes?? That means..Ken? I mentally sighed. Though Ken only knew me for like 2 hours, he could already sense something, "Is everything alright?". I shook my head, "No...not if I'm not going to be able to see you again.", I said sadly. I know I know...I sound so stupid! Falling for a guy that I have known for like 2 hours! But its something about him..something that you know that he could be the one just by talking to him, that how long we've met did not matter.

Ken sighed, "Hey..", he said wrapping his arms around my shoulder, "Its alright. Let this be a test. Somehow, we met..somehow, we clicked. So somehow, we would meet again.", he said smiling at me. I looked up to meet his eyes, "And what if we dont?", I asked, looking into his eyes.

"It just means we're not meant to be. Its not your's or my fault. It just helped us save our time. Look I really like you, but we can't force things to happen according to how we want it to. Okay?", he said kissing my cheek. "Fine..." I muttered to myself. A few seconds later, the seatbelt sign light was turned on, telling me that it is time to put my seatbelts together and get ready to be seperated with Ken.

We said our goodbyes, and went our seperate ways. Walking half way, I turned around to see Ken. His back was still facing me as he walked into the sea of people, slowly fading out of my sight. There goes, my Ken....


I really have no idea what to say about this chapter..I just continued writting..I actually did not plan for this to previous idea was to straight skip the flight scene and just go straight into when Celina finally reached Tennessee.

Sorry if this bores you guys...please continue supporting!! Its a promise to make things better!!!

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Thanks for reading,


Lina~ =D

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