Chapter Forty

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A few seconds later, it began to drizzle and each drop that landed on my cut burns me with pain. I shut my eyes in pain, trying to stand up and run away, but I can't. The pain I have all over me is too much to handle. The rain got heavier and the raindrops that landed on me felt like acid. My cuts were all bleeding again and I couldn't do anything about it. I looked around, and all I see is trees. What is a girl like me to do? Let the wolves eat me? Of course I wouldn't let it! But do you think I have a choice? I couldn't think straight. Not with this pain. I shut my eyes and immediately blacked out.

How am I gonna survive this?


I don't know how long did it take, but I woke up once again. I was trying really hard to get up, but the pain was still there. Could you blame me?

I slowly brought my head up and looked around, I don't know what happened,  but I was at a different surrounding now. I'm at an open space where the skies were blue, and it was getting cold. Struggling my way up, I managed to sit. Not to far from where I am, I saw a house. A quite big house  in fact. I was happy, glad. I tried pushing myself up, but I really can't. It hurts even more when I try. Once more, I tried to push myself up, only for my hands to slip and what happened? I fell. Wait no, I rolled down. Scratching all my cuts again. Yay..

I rolled and rolled but couldn't do anything about it and I could feel fresh deep cuts on my face now. When I finally stopped, someone on a motorcycle stopped right in front of me. I let out a sigh of relieve before fainting again.

Damn I'm weak.


The delicious smell of mom's pancakes woke me up. Was it all a dream?

I shot up only to feel great pain over every single part of my body. I looked down to my arms and legs, full of cuts. I lifted my hands to my face, shocked to find my face scarred with cuts and my eye hurts when I touch it.

If it really was a dream, I wouldn't have these dream?

Hot tears began blurring my vision. I felt dirty again. Disgusted of myself. I've lost my virginity to a guy that I thought I loved. What's even worst? I didn't wanna give it to him! And, who's oversized clothes am I wearing?!

I'm now equal with those sluts who sells their bodies. No men will ever come near me. No men will ever love me.

No. This is wrong. Men is the one to be blamed. Men can never be trusted. All they ever wanted was your body. Love doesn't exist. It never had. Love is something men make up to trick girls. I don't need to make up excuses to make me feel better about my decision. Its decided. I'm swearing off love.

"Shh, shh..don't wake her up. She needs rest.", an unfamiliar voice of a lady whispered from outside the door of a room I was in.

There was a soft knock before a very motherly looking lady came in with a tray stacked with pancakes and a cup of tea on top of it. She smiled kindly at me, "Oh, I didn't know you were awake! Are you ok little darling??".

I looked at her, is this really happening? Who is this lady? Where is this place?

"Where...w-where am I?", my voice shaky as I looked at the lady for answers.

"In Appleton, Wisconsin!! Didn't you know??"

"I was kinda forced here.....", mental images began to play in my mind of what happened with Luke. I shut my eyes, trying to shut the images out too, only to let a couple of tears flow by the corner of my eyes.

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