Chapter Thirty-Two

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Ok no matter what...I had to admit I was feeling down after writing for so long and don't seem to have any response, but I really wanna thank 


Thank you for being my first ever fan! I promise I will make this as interesting as I can to make sure you don't regret becoming my fan. Thank you sooo much!! Love ya!! <3


I shook my head, "Nah..if the person was cool, they wouldn't be in a club.".

She just nodded, obviously still nervous. "Hey Cel?".

She looked up to me and I gave her a light kiss on her cheeks, "Don't worry about it. I got you.", I said smiling at her.


Celina's POV :

I was eating lunch with Leon. Yeah yeah..isn't it Liam? Everyone calls him that. I just feel like I should try shaking it up. Plus it annoys him, giving me more reasons to call him Leon instead. It was simple. He didn't try to anything on me. Which is good. I mean, you expect us to kiss on the first date? Nah, I don't roll like that baby.

Turns out Leon is just as good as everyone says he is. A perfect gentleman. Just like Chris. Oh gosh...I just compared him to my brother..and my brother ain't even a gentleman! Oh man...I really need to have my brain checked. That is, if I actually have one. But as nice as everything went, there was nothing memorable about that lunch.

Yet I know there's some feeling that I have inside of me. He's the guy that actually knows me without even needing to guess. I guess that's saying something right? He saw right through me when I was looking at the performing arts sign up sheet. Usually I could easily lie my way out, but something in me just didn't know what to do. If I were to be in this school, I rather join some club that I like. Yet I'm nervous, maybe I need some time to think it through. But nooooo...Leon just signed me up straight.

Joy.   -Note the sarcasm-

The moment I got home, only one word was repeating itself in my mind. Ride. So that's what I did. I ran straight to the barn, not caring what I'm wearing.

"Oh Stooorrrrrmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!", I yelled in that huge barn. I ran to the back of the barn still screaming Storm's name. I was trying to annoy him by calling his name alot of times. After who knows how long, I got tired screaming his name, so I found some hay I could sit on. It was then someone behind me wolf-whistled. I always wanted to learn how to do that!!

I turned around to see the one and only Storm, leaning by a stall, smirking. Damn it! Stop smirking!!

"Storm!!", I practically ran towards him. Gripping his hand and jumping up and down while saying, "Ride!! Ride!! Ride!! Ride!!! RIDE!!!".

He continued smirking, "Well well well, someone's eager to see me.",

"Oh stop smirkin. It makes you look cocky."

"And you're saying like you don't like it!", Storm said. I didn't reply. I couldn't. Cause I really like guys that smirk. "Ignore that sweetheart. I wanna ride! Please??".

He chuckled and pointed his head towards Polar's stable, "Go tack him up yourself, if you wanna ride him.".

I jumped on his back, "You know I'm new at these right? I just learnt how to ride, how bout you showing me how to do it first, then I'll learn from you. Pweaseeee..", I cooed.

He jumped on the spot and I fell on my butt, "Owwww...", I sorta whined while rubbing my butt in pain.

He held his hand out for me and I took it. When I got up, he nudged my head, messing my hair, "Aww fine lil' darlin'....." , my hope was rising a little, wishing he would do it for me. Of course I know how to tack up horses! I'm quite a fast learner, so on the first day I saw Storm tacking up Mystic, I've already learnt what to do. But hey, he doesn't need to know right?

"Go do it yourself..", he patted my head, talking like he was talking to a 5 year old. And to prove it, I was pouting. That is such a thing that a 5 year old will do! Oh I am such an embarrassement.

"Fine!! This is how it ends? You? *Cue fake tears*...Y-You'd do this to me? Fine!! *Wipes away 'tears'*..", I miss acting. Its a good thing I could cry that quickly. Awesomeness.

"Stop with the acting and start tacking if you ever wanna go riding.", Damn!

"Darn you ding dong, anyone ever told you that you look like king kong? This is me telling you that you suck the fun out of everything, and that's just wrong.", I said almost immediately. I love being spontaneous. Plus, if he could do those rhymes, so can I, sucker! He just laughed and didn't reply. Yesh! I won! But I still have to tack Polar up. Darn him.

So after tacking this boy up -I'm talking about Polar..NOT Storm- , I went riding. I rode to my heart's desire, feeling free. But then it started to rain so to make sure Polar doesn't get sick, I quickly brought him back into his stable and brushed him down.

If anyone knows me, I love to play in the rain, actually dance in it. So I ran into the barn and turned the radio on, All Time Low's I Feel Like Dancing was playing half way. "Perfect!!!", I shouted out loud. I was sure Storm was some where in the barn, but since it was raining and it was loud, he couldn't hear me. Plus I'm happy, so I don't care how goofy I look like, randomly jumping and swinging my arms in the air while singing along to it loudly, and off key. You see, that's what I do when I'm happy. Become all crazy and enjoy myself.

I was enjoying myself like crazy when Christina Perri's A Thousand Years came on and I was a little sad that I didn't have a partner to dance it with. But then again, I wouldn't dare dance in front of anyone properly. I'd just make a fool out of myself.

"May I have this dance?", I turned around to see Storm out in the rain, bent slightly low and holding a hand out, asking for a dance. "You dance?" , both of us said at the same time. Only to chuckle at the same time, again. Either way, I gently placed my hand in his and he pulled me towards him, closing the distance between us. He placed an arm on my small back and held my hand in his other. And I placed a hand on his shoulder while my other hand is held tight in his hand as we slowly danced in unision.

We were laughing and enjoying ourselves in the rain. It felt so great, but there was a problem. You know how everytime Storm and I have some physical contact, I feel great flame? Now the flame plus the rain actually made thunder. It didn't hurt, but I know there was something. Not a spark, thunder. We continued dancing until Taylor Swift's Enchanted came on.

"Oh gosh I love this song!", I said happily as I place both of my arms on each side of his shoulder while his arms came to the sides of my waist.

"This night is sparking,

Don't you let it go,

I'm wonder struck,

Blushing all the way home,

I'll spend forever,

Wondering if you knew,

I was enchanted to meet you.", this part I sang out. On key. Woah..

The song ended and I was getting upset  knowing I can't dance anymore. I honestly love dancing, and having someone to dance WITH me is another thing, having Storm as that someone changes another thing all together.

As the rain got alot heavier, I was about to go back into the barn when Storm pulled me by my arm, making me turn around to face him. Our eyes locked together as I looked straight into his deep blue eyes.

He slowly leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, "Thanks for the dance, angel.". It was a good thing it was dark, so Storm couldn't see me blushing. With that, we said our goodbyes and I went to sleep that night. Glad.


Gahh!! This actually happened to me before! It was sweet, but I was 3 years old. How I remember? My parents taped it. I was dancing with my brother's ultimate best friend. Our parents were friends from work and they were very close friends. And so happen the boy and my brother were born on the same day, same hospital too. Crazy, I know.

But I always had this crush on him, because my brother would always make me cry and he would be there to give me a shoulder to cry on. Gosh..those were the days.

But either promote this please!!

Dont forget to VCS!!!


Lina~ =D 

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