Chapter Twelve

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The rain had stop when we got home, I stepped out of the cab while Ken was paying the driver. I felt so bad that he had to pay, I wanted to, but he just gently pushed me out of the car. I hate using my boyfriend's money, I go out with him not because he can pay for everything. It feels so wrong! Guilt....I bit my lip at the thought. Wow..first he went through the trouble of picking flowers for me, then risk getting sick by giving me his shirt and now pays for the cab. Most girls enjoy it right? Shouldn't I be..I mean its not like.."TEDDY BEARRRR!!!!"...I totally snapped out from my deep trance, I shook my head and looked up to Ken, he was looking at me ever so worriedly. Wonder what happened? " Yes baby bear? ", I asked with all the innocense I can get out of me. "You ok? You've been staring down on the floor for quite a while looking like you were thinking of something serious and you're really going to hurt yourself if you continue biting your lip, teddy bear.", he said while pointing at my lips. I stopped biting my lips as I felt my cheeks start heating up, " Oh's nothing..just thinking about some homework. ". I gave myself a big slap mentally, homework?! Wow..some good excuse it is. I continued my innocent face as I was trying to see if he was buying my lame excuse.

Ken just smiled, "Ok then, let's go, I'm starving.". He clearly didn't buy my excuse, but he just decided to play along. Aww, how sweet of him. As we were walking towards my house, my mind thought of alot of things again. What was Ken about to give me before that stupid bird sh*t landed on me? Could it be some paper? Maybe he was going to do something totally lame like give me a dollar that was folded into a heart shape? Even if he gave one to me, I don't think I would mind, but still, I had like a thousands of them from some guys that were 'interested' in me. Please. Does guys were seriously some butt head. Guys that always go 'no matter what you say, I will still love you' or when you shot them down when they asked you out, they'll go 'it's ok, for I will wait for you till the day you say yes'. You know, those crap. They never meant it anyway. What if that line was what Ken always used? What if he said it to me one day? That just means that he's playing right? The type of guy that just wants to keep you close to themselves and then drop you when they get bored with you, like what Glory does with her toys. Is Ken really someone like that? Did I just get into a relationship that was like my old ones? The type where its just for fun? Urgh! Celina! Stop it! Stop thinking about stuff that you shouldn't be right now! Jeezz.

Ken suddenly grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me. " WHAT THE HELL?! ", I said. Normally I don't say stuff like that, but out of shock, it happens. Ken's eyes were wide open, shocked, what I do? He raised his hand up to my forehead feeling my temperature, I just raised an eyebrow at him, " Err Ken? What are you doing? ". Ken didn't answer and used one of his hand to smoothen those lines that were on my forehead. I smiled, " Kenn?? ". His eyes finally met mine, which made my whole body tingle, his eyes were just piercing, its like he's looking into my soul and not just my flesh. I feel like melting into his arms and just let him hold me forever. He chuckled, "You know teddy bear, if there's anything at all, just tell me ok? Is anything bothering you?".

" What makes you say that? "

"For starters, the whole time we were walking, you keep mumbling something like you were chanting some stuff on me..." , I started laughing. He is just so imaginative. Ignoring my laughter, he continued, "then whenever I asked you something, you never answer as if you were mad at me for something and decided to give me a silent treatment...". I looked up to his face, he looks worried when he thought he did something wrong, I know I should have mercy over him as he gave me his puppy dog face. Damn he's cute! BUT, it doesn't mean I can't play around right?

" Wow! AMAZING! After the whole time you didn't know what you did wrong?! ". I shook of his hands that were holding my shoulders and began acting like I was really mad, which seems to work as Ken's face got all shock. "Aww teddy bear..." he said while pulling me into a hug, it felt so good!

I just wish I could stay in his arms forever and ever! Wow..cheesy much? Wait! Back to acting! I pushed him away from me, making him take a few steps back, " Don't go all 'teddy bear' with me! I can't believe you! First you did something wrong and didn't even know and now you're trying to sweet talk your way out of trouble?! Wow. Some dude you are, huh? ". He was seriously shock and I can't help but to enjoy this feeling of making him mad. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it back when he can't come out with any words. " Look Ken, I don't want you near me, just go home so that I can calm down, I don't want to see you right now. " ,I started to walk into my house. Just as I was about to slam the door at Ken's face, he held his hand out to the door, stopping it. I was already starting to giggle, but maintained character, " What do you want Ken? I said leave me alone! ", Ken pulled me out of my house and after what seemed to be forever and a ten years he finally said

"Look Celina, I don't know what I did wrong, but I am terribly sorry that I didn't. I was focusing hard on making this day be fun for you and something that would be able to make you smile even in your sleep. I guess that was what that made me make any mistake to piss you off like that. I'm really sorry.". He looks so sad! I can't believe it. His eyes were already watery, sh*t! I really feel bad right now. Bless him for being sweet enough to admit he was wrong eventhough he isn't and is even close to tears because of me! I feel so bad! Oh no oh no! What to say what to say?

" Oh gosh Baby Bear.."..his face lit up when he heard me calling him 'baby bear'..

" I really wish I could forgive you..I really do... " I continued, faking a frown. His face just dropped like some 5 year old boy that didn't receive a present on Christmas Day. He placed his forehead to mine, "Please..." , a tear feel from his eyes.

Author's Note :

Yes yes yes..I know that I said I'll upload yesterday...Just busy..hehehe...

Wow...who knew that a guy can be so emotional huh??

Anyone hates Celina yet?? Comment comment!!




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