Chapter Thirty-Five

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"What's wrong? You don't want Celina to know your middle name?", Storm's mom asked. Oh!! So that's what it is! So his mom calls him by his middle name? I have to find out!

"Ignore that. Come on honey bear. I need you to get dressed.", mom pulled me away, leaving Storm and his mom in the barn.


When I got in the house, I didn't bother to do anything else but clean up. Can you blame me? I'm full of mud! Mom warned me to not get any mud in the house. How could I? Fly?? Leaving me wih no choice, I tip toed my way, thanking my long legs that manage to keep the floor mud-free as possible.

I got my towel and headed straight into my bathroom. Quick shower, and I was all clean. But OMG! Guess what?? I found an earthworm in my hair!! Its so awesome!

"Honey! We're leaving the house by 8!", mom yelled from outside my door. Can't blame her, the toilet is huge. I looked at the clock and it reads 7:17pm. Plenty of time. Considering that I don't need to do anything to my hair...I've already know what I want to wear............SHIT!!! I have no idea what I'm gonna wear!

I quickly wiped myself dry and wrapped the towel around my wet hair. I then walked into my closet and was searching high and low for any dresses that I have. After a good 10minutes, I managed to find 6 dresses. All special and unique in their own way...but.....just not the right dress. It doesn't make me feel like its "the" dress. Sighing, I looked up at the clock again, 7:29pm. Ok chill, there's still time...there's still time.

So I turned around and immediately something caught my eye. Perfect.

----------  Storm's POV -----------

"Oh come on honey! We have to meet the Summers at their place!", mom said for almost the 100th time already. Could you really blame me? I mean, there's mud...EVERYWHERE! It was especially hard when it came to cleaning the mud out of my hair. Plus those bandages? It was starting to annoy me, so I just took them all off and cleaned them again.

"Coming...", I replied as I put on my jacket. What should a guy wear to a dinner at a fancy restaurant? Who cares right? My mom already picked out the shirts for me, my mom's taste ain't I could actually wear the clothes she picks out for me. Its a win-win thing. I get to look presentable and my mom isn't humiliated because she has a son that wears clothes that doesn't match. But I am very curious in how Celina looks like in a dress. I've always seen her all easy going, maybe it could be nice to have a change for once.

I remember her telling me that she changes her behaviour due to what she wears. Guess I'll find out soon.

When I got downstairs, mom was busy fixing Charlotte with her dress saying its too low.

"She looks beautiful mom. Stop fussing over her.", I told her as I slung my hand over Charlie's shoulders and brought her towards the door to avoid from mom complaining more.

Cell's mom opened the door and said that Celina was still dressing up. Dressing up? That doesn't really sound like her. "Make yourselves at home. I'll go get her.", her mom said.

"I could do it for you if you want..", I offered myself. I'm curious!

"Sure sure..her room is the first door to the left.", her mom said as she nodded to the stairs.

I walked up the stairs and immediately I could recognise the voice of an angel. My angel. She was singing some song. What was it again?

"Lost and insecure,

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