Chapter Thirty

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But either way, if she really is from Los Angeles or Beverly Hills, she would want some player right? Its all girls want there right?

Its at least worth a shot. Celina, you'll be mine.


-----Liam's POV : Day two -----------

I got to school early, ready to meet her. Celina is her name.

I walked around school hoping I could find her hang out spot. After walking for a good 10 minutes, I was disappointed when I wasn't able to see her at all. Its a big school, somehow, somewhere, we'll meet again.

I was walking in the same halls I walked yesterday when I saw Celina. I was slightly taller than the rest of the people here, so I was looking everywhere to see a girl in nerd glasses, hair tied up weirdly and she wears some matching pajamas. Nop..not here. I looked over to see Chase bullying some nerd. Poor her. Her head kept facing down, not even daring to look up even the slightest bit.

"What are you guys doing here eh?", I asked. Trying to sound like I'm used to bullying nerds. I hated it. I hated it with all my guts. Or was it heart? Nevermind that. But no matter what, nerds, jocks, cheerleaders, new kids, they're the same. We all are. Just because they're not that good looking or rich as some of the kids here, it doesn't mean that they should be treated any different.

"Making sure this nerd here knows her place", said Justin, saying it proudly.


The guys pushed me towards the girl and patted my back in our own guy ways, giving me a chance to bully that poor girl. As much as I hated doing it, I couldn't say no. So I gripped the girl's cheeks and forced her to look at me. She really looks like Celina, only she has this whole different look from her. Maybe they're related. Or its just a coincidence.

I didn't notice my grip on her cheeks were getting harder and harder, until she pushed my hands away. She's quite strong for a nerd. But that slightest touch gave me shocks again, just like how Celina did. What's me with nerds? Do they ALL give me shocks? Damn.

A few seconds later, blood started to flow out of the nerd's mouth. Shit. Did I hurt her that bad? I was honestly shocked. What have I just done?

She began to stumble a little and I quickly gripped her shoulders before she could fall back and hit her head on the lockers behind her. But she being the stubborn type, pushed my hands away again.

I quickly regained myself and said whatever that passed my mind, "You are such a pussy! Come on, I just held your cheeks! And you bleed? Please. You're such a weak-puss..Nerddd...". I shoved her with a little too much force than needed and she banged into the lockers. Nice work.

I walked away and started mentally slapping and scolding myself. 'You fool!! Pussy? Weak-puss? Nerd?' , GAH! That was the best I could do? I swear the guys would be talking about this later. At least I could say something about what she's wearing or something? Shit, I might just ruined it for myself.

DAMN! You hearing yourself?! Stop worrying so much! I sound like a girl!

I have history first. Hopefully I'll see Celina there.

I got into my usual sit and waited for the bell to ring. I kept looking out the window, which is also where Celina sits.

The bell rang and I was busy searching for some books that I think I had left at home. Ah, who cares? Detention ain't that bad. Sometimes. At the corner of my eye I saw someone sat next to me. Please be Celina please be Celina!

I turned to the person that just sat down and my hopes were crushed when I saw that nerd that I bullied earlier. Damn her!! That's Celina's place! What if Celina is just running late and when she enters she sees that nerd sitting at her place and she has to sit next to some other dudes?

 "Errr...nerd? That place belongs to someone else. Just go back to your loser place where you belong.", I told her.

"Doesn't matter, I'm sitting here now and no one came to claim their place back. So its mine.", she replied with confidence. What happened to the girl that kept her head down? Did she just made a comeback? I examined her face properly. Oh my gosh that's Celina! Those beautiful sea blue eyes! That hair! Its her! Damn! I just made her bleed! SHIT! Great job Liam...great job...

But she looks really different from yesterday. She had freckles. She didn't have any of them yesterday. Maybe she used make up to cover them? But she really doesn't need make up, she looks stunning. Beautiful. One of a kind. She doesn't need clothes to compliment her *not that I want her naked. I'm just saying, whatever she wears doesn't effect how she looks like. Just her sense of fashion* , and she definately doesn't need make up to cover up anything.

But I needed to make sure its her. "You're really confident for a nerd aren't you.", I said leaning in closer to her to get a better look at her and raised my eyebrow at her.

Wait! It might not be too late. She likes a player. You have to be a player. I told myself repeatedly.

She leaned in too, leaving just a few centimeters between us. I could feel her breathe on my lips as she smirked and looked into me straight into my eyes saying, "You don't know what I could do.". She sounds so confident. So sure of herself. That is what I want in a girl. Not the ones that would throw themselves at you.

I was having an amused face on while I smirk at her, "I believe I'll find out soon now won't I?".

She then looked at me really innocently and shrugged, "I don't understand what you're talking about.". Her glasses magnified her eyes, making it bigger than it already is.

The bell rang and she ran out of class almost immediately.

I have maths next and Celina wouldn't be sitting anywhere near me since she would be with Hope. I got myself busy and started talking to all the guys there and just waited for lunch. Because I am starving. Everything I look at, looks like food. My maroon coloured pencil looks so much like a sausage. I need food!

After a few more hours of study, its finally recess time and I ran out of the class to get to the cafeteria. When I was walking out, I noticed Celina was in front of me. She was literally running like I was. What's the hurry? I got hold of her arm and pulled her back, making her slam into my chest. Nah, it didn't hurt. I didn't work out everyday to be weak.

"Sup nerddddd??", I said while messing with her hair. I let go of her and she turned around to tell me something, but it was then when Stephanie called her and a bucket of water was thrown at her, splashing her like crazy. She was wiping her face every single second, but I couldn't see for sure as I was behind her.

I was there when Stephanie used a towel and violently wiped her face. While some of the other cheerleaders pulled her scrunchies off, revealing her very very soft black flawless hair as it slowly flowed down to her sides. Woah! My jaw dropped but I quickly shut it, thinking about my ego. But she looks fantastic. Stunning. Gorgeous. No..those words were an understatement. None of them could describe her now.

She was beautiful when she was wearing those glasses, she is x10 more beautiful now. This look felt more like her. Feminine, yet you know she has something else in her. Not just a pretty face, but someone sweet. Certainly not a person to be taken lightly. The way Stephanie was trying to persuade her to be in the popular group disgusts me. Does she really think Celina is that type of a girl that would go crawling to her knees just because she could be one of them. She's better than that.

"Oh my gosh really?! Be one of you guys?!", she said with so much enthusiasm. Oh god no.


Welllpppppp...I have no idea what to say. Hahaha..

But I'm sure some of you have something to say~ Do tell!!! Comment and Vote please!!!

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It really means alot if you do!



Lina. =D 

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