Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I got up and went to the center of the stage once more, waiting for the results of my performance.

"Well Celina.....its...its..beautiful..breathtaking...BUT..."


'But?? But what woman?!' , I screamed inside of me.

"But...Oh I can't find anything wrong with this performance! Congratulations! Welcome to the club my darling!", she stood up and clapped.

I brought my hand up to my mouth, not believing what she's saying. I feel hot tears rolling down my cheeks, as it was tears of joy.

The French lady came up to the stage and gave me a hug, saying encouraging words to me, while all I could do is say 'thank you thank you thank you thank you...' repeatedly.

When I calmed down, I made my way down the stairs and immediately was pulled into a bear hug by Hope and Leon. I'm so glad!! The feeling was just overwhelming! I can't believe this!

I got behind Leon's back as he piggy back me out of the auditorium with Hope following close behind.

"Come on! Celebration!", Leon declared as we made our way to his car.

I looked at Hope, hoping she would wanna come. She was grinning from ear to ear as she nodded, making me laugh.

We went to some cafe as the three of us sat down together while Leon let me see the recording of my audition. I honestly didn't sound THAT bad. I'm glad. Proud.

"This is so going on YouTube!", declared Leon proudly. I couldn't help but to laugh at his excitement. We were eating and chatting when I got a phone call from an unknown number, "Hello?", I asked.

"Helo.  Er..Miz Zelina? Dhis is Madame Jane, from ze Performing Artz. I forgot zu zell you zhat our meeting would be zumorrow okayy?", it was a little hard to figure out what she said, but I still managed to understand and told her I'll be there.

After a movie, Leon fetched me and Hope home.

I was so jumpy and happy that I was skipping my way into the house.

"Hello my humble family! Isn't today lovely?", I said cheerfully as I made my way to the living room. Only to stop in my tracks when I saw who was here. Jen.

Disgust and hatred flowed right through my whole body at the sight of that bitc- female dog..female dog..I can't and won't see her. So I turned around and headed back out of my house as tears began to block my vision.

I wasn't sure where I was, but my feet could not bring me any further so I knelt down and began crying. STOP IT CELINA! She's not worth your tears! So what she was your bestfriend for 10 years? Bestfriends wouldn't steal your boyfriend! They wouldn't backstab you like that! They wouldn't treat you the way she did!

No matter how I tried, I couldn't stop crying. Everytime I would wipe away those tears, fresh ones would replace it. I began hitting the ground until my hands began to bleed from the hard rocks on the floor, but I didn't stop. I was too frustrated. Too sad.

Warm arms soon wrap around me and I knew immediately it was Storm.

"Hey angel..shhhh..its ok..its ok..calm down...everything is fine..", he told me while holding me tight in his arms. I hid my face in his chest, listening to his calm heartbeat. I soon calmed down and sat up straight. He pulled me to sit on his lap and I leaned my back against his chest.

"You wanna talk about it angel?", he asked softly.

And so I did, I told him everything, but surprising myself by not crying this time. When I finished my story, I looked at him for his response. He just shook his head and told me, "You know they aren't worth your tears right angel?".

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