Chapter Twenty-Two

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I walked towards him but the moment I took a step I almost stumbled as the light headed feeling overwhelmed me. I regained my balance and went to the guy still groaning. I tapped lightly on his shoulder and he turned around.

And I froze, I stood there not able to move. I couldn't believe my eyes.....


I can tell by the looks on his face that he was shocked and happy. He straighten himself up, dusted himself. He gave me a breathtaking smile. He was still as perfect as I remembered.

I shook my head in disbelief, it couldn't be. No. This is not happening. No. I couldn't really process what happened next as I was enveloped into a bear hug. My hands stayed stupidly stiff next to him while one of his hand was wrapped around my waist, holding me tight. While his other hand was holding the back of my head, his steady heart beat reminds me of the last time I saw him. He let out a low chuckle, "Its wonderful to see you again, Celina", I can hear the smile in his voice when he said that.

I pulled away from his hug, still taken back with the whole situation. Is this real life? "Can you please pinch me? I think I'm dreaming.", I said while cocking my head to one side. He laughed, the same laughter that made me feel so safe to with him, "You're still as funny as I remembered.". I giggled. Oh gosh, I'm not the type that giggles, its too foolish for any matter, too girly.

I reluctantly look away from that one guy that makes my legs go all weak when I see him, and my eyes landed on a horse that was just standing there, watching me and him have our little reunion. A small gasp left my mouth, its beautiful. The way it stands, the way it looks into your eyes. Oh gosh I'm in love with a horse. It didn't take long for him to join me to admire that beautiful horse, "Ain't she a beaut?" , he said trying to immitate a cowboy's accent.

I laughed, "Well dang flabbit!! She's a WEEEEEEEEE CUUUUUU----TEEEHHHHHHHH!!!", I said jumping a little while raising my left knee up so that I can slap it. I watch tv, it happens. He began bursting into a fit of laughter, which made me start laughing too. I can't believe I just did that in front of him. HIM! I let out another short laughter, "No seriously, is she yours?". "Nah, she's a good friend of mine. His family take cares of horses.".

My eyes widen at his words, I love horses!! I just cant ride on one.

But no! I'm not suppose to enjoy this trip!

But there's horses!!

So what?! Its just  horses. Its not like back in the BebHigh, doesn't have any.

We dont.

Why am I debating with myself?!

"...errrrr....Celina?? You there??". I quickly snapped out of my self debate. I shook my head and looked at him, feeling hopelessly clueless. "Oh ya, sure..Sorry. Errr...I was wondering...could the horse? I have always loved horses but never got the chance to learn or ride one.", after the words left my mouth, I felt so ashamed. Gosh could I be any dumber?

He slung his arm around my shoulders and squeezed me lightly while smiling down at me, "Of course, come on, I'll teach you." , he said as he let go of my shoulder and held his hand out while bending a little. The smile that I did not know was on my face, grew wider at the sight of his gentle self. It really doesn't seem like him. I placed my hand light on his as he did this wolf whistle that I always wanted to learn, calling that beauty to come over here.

He patted her, "Hey Celina, walk over here slowly and as I said..slowlyyyy reach your hand out to let her pick up your scent, you need to gain her trust if you're going to ride her.". I did as told, and the beauty slowly sniffed my palm, which kinda tickled me, but I make sure I stay calm so that I don't freak it out. Once I saw  her muscles slowly relax, I take it as a sign of trust. From the bottom of her nose, I slowly raised my hand to touch the center of her face. She moved her head in faster than my hand could touch her, I let out a soft laughter. She's perfect. Just like him. Wait no! I did not just say that! He's..he's...HIM!! No! I cant! Not anymore!

He nudged me lightly and I teared my gaze from that sweet horse to look at him, he smiled at me once again and I smiled back almost immediately, "Come on, get up.", he said while pointing to the saddle that was placed on top of the horse.

I was a little worried because I have never sat on a horse without someone in front of the horse, guiding me, but I trust her. I think I do. I held on tight to the sides of the saddle and slowly stepped up. I missed a step and began to fall, I turned around just in time to see him before i fell on top of him. We both landed on the floor, with his back facing the ground and me on top of him. Our face was really close up and I could see every feature on his face. His face shaped so perfectly, his hazel brown eyes, his blonde hair, his perfectly shaped eyebrows and those flawless lips of his.

I slowly closed my eyes and leaned into him. I don't care about anything, I just wanna kiss him.

In a matter of seconds, I felt him lips touched mine. Kissing me just very softly. The feeling of his lips against mine shocked me, making electricity shoot around my body. A soft peck and he pulled me up. What?? I want more! His lips is far too addictive for me to be away from it again, but then again, he's a gentleman. He definately wouldn't take advantage on me. He's too good to be human.

I smiled up at him, and he mirrored my actions. He held my hands as we continued staring into each other. He's a very good guy. He's...he's...Ken. The guy from the airport that I fell for.


Ok, so I managed to upload and write another chapter. What you guys think??

Do continue reading, sharing maybe even commenting or voting?? =D

Feel free to give me feedbacks kay? I need it to continue writing! =P

VCS pleaseeeeeee~ =D


Lina. =D 

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