Chapter Twenty-Three

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I smiled up at him, and he mirrored my actions. He held my hands as we continued staring into each other. He's a very good guy. He's...he's...Ken. The guy from the airport that I fell for.


Its day 5 that I'm here. I dare say it's not that bad. 2 days ago I finally rode on a horse!! What's even better? Ken was with me the whooolllleeeeeee time guiding me. I was starting to get the hang of riding already. Heck, Ken even said I have this funny little thing he called talent. Please, I have no talent. I've never ride before. It's unacceptable that someone says that I've got talent. But either way, Twinkle, the horse I rode on, was a perfectly gentle on me. She listens to my commands, does not give me a hard time putting anything on her and is just perfect.

Today, Ken and I are going to ride again! Sweet! I can't wait! I got up from bed this morning feeling so excited. I really love riding. It makes me feel so free, like nothing can hold me back, just me, a horse and the world. But for those past 5 days, Ken made me ride out in the open field, not letting me go anywhere further he said it was "just in case" or something like "its for your own good". Darn him.

I'm so going to use that puppy-dog-eyes card on him. He told me that cuteness is his weakness. He shall suffer under me! Wait that came out wrong.. I mean he shall suffer. Fullstop. There. That's it. I made my way down the stairs while singing silently to Christina Perri's A Thousand Years. Walking half way I heard voices that doesn't sound familiar at all. It seems like there is like about 4 people down there. I think it came from the kitchen, so I slowly crept my down to check out who is this few extra humans at my home. Their voices doesn't sound so threatening, so I guess its safe to go down. Hopefully.

I made my way down successfully quiet. I followed the sound of the voices, and it really was coming from the kitchen. I pressed my ears to the door of our kitchen door to get a better hear of this conversation. I hear mom and dad's voice, but who are the other two people talking with them? Mom and dad didn't mention about guests coming over today, or did they?

"Oh hold on, let me get my daughter.."

Gahhh!! Mom's coming!!! I quickly ran to the stairs and turned around on the sixth step just before my mom came out from the kitchen door. I lazily rubbed my eyes, making me look like I just woke up. Considering that I was really lazy, I'm still in my jammies, making my act more real.

I tried my best to walk as slow and sleepy-ish way down the stairs. When I got down mom greeted me with such a wonderful smile that made me smile back at her. She put an arm on my shoulders and said , "Morning sleepy pig. Come on, I want you to meet a few people.".

I looked down to what I'm wearing, a very very very big t-shirt that has this really cute spongebob picture there -yeah, yeah, I like spongebob- and really short shorts. Not really presentable to meet people. "but mom!! Look at what I'm wearing! I'll humiliate you people!", I tried to reason so that I can at least go up and change into something that's actually presentable.

Mom looked at me from my shirt to my pants, she just shook her head and smiled. "You look fine dear. Now come on, don't want to make people wait". I sighed in defeat and let mom pull me into the kitchen where there stood a couple. They look like they're in their 40-s maybe? I tried to smile as sweetly as I can to give a good impression, and silently praying that they won't burst out in laughter when they see what I'm wearing. First impressions are really important to me as they could really affect how people look at you, and from what I'm wearing. Not presentable at all, I didn't even brush my hair or teeth!!

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