{ 3 } - Mistakes

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It was so nice seeing Dan's parents again. They were lovely people even if Dan said they were apparently "homophobic" , and it was wonderful just to sit and chat to them. Dan's dad told me some embarassing stories about Dan when he was younger and growing up, and we laughed about our incredible audience and the things that they get up to. I laughed at Dan's mum when she told Dan to watch out for girls "slobbering all over the screen whilst you, Dan, are rotating your hips in front of a camera. Dan's face reddened and I grinned. He looked sweet like that.

"What is it, Phil?" He said, catching me staring at him in wonder.

"Oh, nothing, Dan, just enjoying the food."

Dan looked over at his parents who deep in conversation themselves. He leant towards me and muttered under his breath.

"Looks like you seemed to be enjoying my face, too, Philly." He smirks, and I shiver slightly.

"Nah, the food's prettier if you ask me." I joked,

"Oi!" Dan said, hitting my arm.

I grinned. Dan looked at me and pouted, his unbelievably cute dimple showing and his bottom chapped lip sticking out. I could only just resist the temptation of leaning over to kiss him. He is so cute, I thought to myself, I am so lucky to have him. His eyes are deep and thoughtful, his hair always straightened, but he knew how much I loved it when he had his hobbit hair, his curls dancing around his face. The amount of times I had tried to hide his straighteners, but he always found them by forcing the answers out of me and tickling me until I told him where they were. Like when we went to Jamaica, and the hours we spent relaxing in the hot sun together on the beach, Dan, turning a dark brown whilst I turned into a deeper shade of red everyday. I remembered doing cliff-diving and how scared I was of doing the 25 foot jump, and how Dan had slowly coaxed me to do it, reassuring me that nothing would happen to me. He was so kind and helpful and I always tried to tell him this, reminding him everyday. But he always denied it and said he was just "a useless piece of trash". He was so modest.

"So Phil, how is it living with our mischevious son, then?" Dan's mum turned to me. I snapped out of my thoughts but still couldn't quite get myself out of them entirely.

"It's lovely... Very nice..." My brain was tuning out into my thoughts again, but I couldn't stop myself from doing so. I continued, distant from the conversation.

"Yes, it's wonderful spending time with the person I love the most." I say, unaware of where I am anymore. "I love being with him... And I don't know how I'd ever cope without my boyfriend..."

And then I stopped myself.

And I snapped out of my thoughts entirely. I realised what I'd just said.

"...It's fine Dan, everything will be okay... You can trust me. They won't find out until you're ready to let them find out.

I promise..."

"Yes, it's wonderful spending time with the person I love the most. I love being with him... And I don't know how I'd ever cope without my boyfriend..."

A fork dropped off the table, making a clattering sound. My heart began to race as I looked into the faces of Dan's parents.

Their mouths were hanging open.

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