{ 9 } - Falling

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Phil's POV

I began to shake.

"What do you want me to do, Dan? What do I have to say to make it up to you?" I was on the verge of crying.


I was taken aback.



"So, you've forgiven me?" my voice raised in hope.

"No. You have to do one thing."

"What is it?"

"Fuck off. Leave. Get stuffed. Whatever. I want you out of this flat. NOW."

My heart dropped to the floor at his words.

"What?! But Dan -" My voice was cut short when he took a step towards me. I flinched and immediately ran from the room. I dashed into my room, tears forming in my eyes as I grabbed a backpack and stuffed it with clothes and my phone and laptop, and other important things.

Dan was kicking me out? I looked up to see him standing in the doorway, watching me. I was absolutely terrified of Dan at that moment. I'd never been scared of him like this before, it had always been the other way round. When we first met, although I was so nervous, I tried to come across as the confident one, always leading the conversation, and he seemed fairly happy with that. And he had always liked that, it meant that he could hide behind my shadow when he felt out of place. And since then, his confidence has grown so much.

I sped up, finished packing and grabbed a pair of shoes from my beside wardrobe and slipped them on. I then slung the backpack onto my shoulder rapidly blinking as I did so. I stood by my bed, gave Dan one final look and ran past him into the hallway. I ran, ran past the kitchen and the livingroom and the bathroom.

I ran. Leaped down the stairs and I wrenched open the front door and ran.

I couldn't really see. My vision was blurred and the world was shaking.

No, I thought, Dan can't really be kicking me out for good... What about our lives, what about everything? What about YouTube? What about -


My knee hit one of the rungs on the banister as I was coming down the stairs at top speed. The impact sent me flying down the staircase, right over the banister.

And then I fell. I was falling so fast.

Everything was flashing.

And I fell into a huge abyss of nothing.

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