{ 24 } - Unforgiving

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Nurse Hadley (Sarah's POV)

I'd told the two boys. It was heartbreaking. It was moments like this in my career that I wishes I had taken on painting instead of medicine.

The boy with the lighter brown hair - Christopher - seemed far more upset than the boy with darker curls - PJ. I watched them outisde as Christopher fell to his knees and PJ sat beside him in the pouring rain.

I felt like crying. I felt like screaming. These four poor boys had been inflicted on a horrible unfortunate event and I wished I could have done something about it. Why Phil? So many people cared for him, loved him, missed him when he was gone.

He was Dan's entire world. Universe. He was the stars to Dan's galaxy, the smiles to his day, the sun in his sky, the happiness in his life.

The happiness in his life.

As I stood there, by the window in the reception area, I wondered about Dan's mistake. By now I knew all about what had happened. About their fight, and how Dan kicked Phil out.

Their fight. Mistakes, lots of them.

Phil told Dan's parents about their secret relationship. Dan had gotten to angry and said things he shouldn't have said. I wondered if Dan was so distraut with the fact that he may never get to tell Phil he was sorry. To applogise. To say anything to him ever again. To hold him, to hug him, to-


I spun round to see both Jess and Marcus staring at me in shock.

"Sarah, are you okay?"

"Yes, why?" I said, surprised at how croaky my voice was.

"You've been stood there crying for the last five minutes."

"Oh, I..." I quickly flicked at my eyes to find them wet. I then turned away from them and used my sleeve to properly wipe at my tears.


"What?" I said, turning back.

"This whole thing... With that boy with the black hair... Paul-"

"Phil. It's Phil." I corrected Marcus.

"Phil..." He continued. "It seems to be causing you an awful lot of stress. Is there any way I can help?"

I moved towards Marcus and put my hands on both of his arms.

"Marcus, I need you to do one thing. It will take time and effort but I need you to do this."

"O-of course. What is it?" Said Marcus, stuttering at my close proximity.

"I..." I began. I tried to find words.

"Marcus, Jess, I want both of you to call, find, search for the best doctors and surgeons you can. From all over England. Outside England if you need to. Anywhere. We have to find them-"

"What?" Jess said. "Why?"

"We need them to help us find a way to break through Phil's coma-"

"I told you about that coma, Sarah. It's impossible to get him to wake up. It's a strong coma he's held in." Marcus said.

"Marcus, anything is possible. We have to do this. I need to help these four boys. Their lives are at stake. We need to help them. I will not leave this hospital until we can find a way. Now, go. Begin the search for the doctors."

"Of course, Sarah."

Both Marcus and Jess turned and hurried off in seperate directions. Now I had to go and check on the boys.

I half sprinted to room 27. When I reached it, I hurriedly placed my ear against the door.




The sobs were quiet and muffled and almost a relief to me. I was worried Dan would do something stupid. I pushed myself against the door further. I watched as tears slid off my nose and onto the wood of the door.

I had to help them.

And I knew that if I didn't, I would never be able to forgive myself.

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